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Recent state of Korean civil servants


Recent state of Korean civil servants

image text translation

(1)A civil servant in a multicultural family who is a light beggar and a loser
(2)Multicultural families and civil servants’ rude remarks
(3)I thought the phone for civil servants was cut off, so I said nonsense to multicultural families
(4)the sound of putting the phone down
(5)Married a foreign girl
(6)You’re so annoying
(7)He’s embarrassed
(8)You don’t want to bring him
(9)You’re like a loser. You’re like a loser
(10)You can do it as soon as you go
(11)”You must have come now, you punk!”
(12)Eunpyeong-gu Public Officials – Recorded Victim’s Call
(13)Next-door colleagues also respond to hate speech and abusive language from multicultural families
(14)Victim of Mr. A
(15)If you’re a foreigner in an open space
(16)And about a Korean man who married a foreigner
(17)Saying hateful comments indiscriminately
(18)In short, it was amazing
(19)Expressing prejudice toward multicultural families even when they go to apologize
(20)I’m not saying this to my teacher
(21)I couldn’t get married until late at night
(22)Marrying a foreigner and having a baby
(23)I think I’m using it as a means
(24)Reported in the media”
(25)Eunpyeong-gu Public Officials – Recorded Interview with Victims
(26)Foreign wives disillusioned with Korean society…regret of marriage
(27)Victim B’s wife
(28)Before my husband got married to me, Korean people
(29)If you don’t like international marriage so much
(30)Let’s watch it alone
(31)Victim B’s wife
(32)If you call somewhere, you may be cursed by a public official
(33)I wouldn’t have gotten married if I didn’t
(34)The official in question is reflecting on himself…I apologize again and again
(35)Even if I understand the situation at the community center, I don’t take any action
(36)Multicultural families and civil servants’ rude remarks
(37)Lee, the head of the community center
(38)At that time, I didn’t get scolded or accused by the staff
(39)Do it… Rock
(40)Mr. Lee, an official of the district office
(41)It happened at the community center, but the district office didn’t report it
(42)I had no idea…
(43)· Misogyny of discriminatory remarks
(44)a group of immigrants
(45)a suit for damages
(46)Victim couple filed a lawsuit against the state for damages


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