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Why Japan Is Poor


In the 1980s, Japan was sucking up all the world’s money with Walkman TV radio cars, as if it would rule the world

The West, including the U.S., should feel a sense of crisis and kill Japan

In 1985, the U.S. and British Germany gathered and pledged to make the exchange rate fixed at 250 yen to 120 yen

Japanese goods suddenly became expensive, exports were not allowed, bubbles burst, and Japan remained at zero growth for more than 30 years

Who was the Japanese prime minister who agreed to the Plaza Accord at the time

Yasuhiro Nakasone was the prime minister for three consecutive years from November 27, 1982 to November 6, 1987

a strong bone-marrow pro-American who wants to take all the shit the U.S. makes

Japan has become lethargic due to the bubble, and the media and civic groups have gradually become powerless, and voices of criticism have disappeared

The LDP’s one-party Communist Party-like monopoly system has become more solid and the transfer of Japanese vested interests has become a given

There are three things you should never criticize in Japan

You can’t touch the Heavenly King and you can’t touch the hereditary system of Liberal Democratic Party members, and then the media will be closed

It is said that Nakasone has been a member of the National Assembly for more than 50 years if he has been serving for as many as 20 terms

Japan’s Kishida is also a third-generation hereditary politician, and in addition, he hired his child as secretary of the Prime Minister’s Office

That means he hired him as his secretary

Still, the Japanese media is quiet, and it’s no use criticizing

The voice of criticism of the social media that Kookjimdang wants is powerless and quiet even if it inherits vested interests to its children

The babies who received Yasuhiro Nakasone and the first and fifth awards in honor of Nakasone are running wild in Yongsan

Korea is a poor country, too

Why Japan Is Poor
image text translation

(1)Park Chul-hee as President Yoon’s National Diplomatic Director
(2)Input 20230330 PM 536 Modified 20230330 PM 537
(3)Park Chul-hee’s anti-Japanese peace watch on the Korean Peninsula only benefits North Korea and is not beneficial to South Korea
(4)Input 20190510 AM 1205
(5)Financial News Japan’s far-right award winner, Professor Park Chul-hee of Seoul National University, Japan Nakasone Excellence Award
(6)Input 20050629 PM 1054
(7)Secretary Kim Tae-hyo Wins the Nakasone Award
(8)Input 20090626 PM 447 Modification 20090626 PM 448
(9)Asian economy
(10)Nakasone, the first Japanese prime minister to visit Yasukuni
(11)Former Prime Minister’s Death Comprehensive
(12)Input 20191129 PM 207 Revised 20191129 PM 211
(13)Kim Tae-hyo, the first winner of the Nakasone Prize given by Japan’s right-wing, is the fifth winner

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