Writing equipment preferred by those who passed the exam

Writing equipment preferred by those who passed the exam

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(1)The top three writing instruments preferred by those who passed the examination
(2)pen preference
(3)Jetstream 381 Soft Handwriting Interruption Occurs
(4)Suitable handwriting for fast writing for a long time can be developed
(5)have a comfortable grip
(6)Due to the nature of the scoring of copies, they are well copied and clearIt’s too thick and heavy
(7)Energel 243 Smooth handwriting inspection time like slipping Speed It’s less burdensome when writing, so it’s good for accurate handwriting
(8)Feels like my cheeks are shaking
(9)have a small ink
(10)have a smudging feel
(11)Curved letters or numbers are advantageous
(12)BUNISA house light color dot dance
(13)Sarasa138 It has good durability and smudges of inkInk consumption is very fast. It feels like it’s getting blurred in between
(14)a smooth, scratch-free handwriting
(15)It’s soft and suitable for shorthodox
(16)Suitable for people with weak grip with thick handwriting
(17)the center of Sarasa
(18)Jetstream Energels – Sarasa


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