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ㅆThe war is over


ㅆThe war is over

image text translation

(1)Yoon Suk Yeol spits out the youngest member of Ukraine’s military support scandal
(2)Oh My TV
(3)Serious harm to the national interest1
(4)No regime, conservative or liberal, did this. 155
(5)Following the suspicion of Ohmy shell support, there is even a suggestion of ‘Ukra military support’
(6)Lee Jae-myung, a TV Yoon Suk Yeol, said, “No regime, whether conservative or liberal
(7)Oh My TV, 120,000 views, 2 hours ago

ㅆThe war is over

image text translation

(1)尹 Ukraine in the event of a massive civilian attack
(2)It’s hard to insist on supporting bandits
(3)Kim Ji-yeon Input 2023419 1121 Modified 2023419 1637
(4)34th Street
(5)Reuters Interview: President Yoon is considering providing military support
(6)Stronger measures are needed than NATO-style nuclear sharing in the development of ultra-high-performance weapons in response to North Korea’s threat
(7)Resolving the inter-Korean summit for Shaw and firmly opposing changes in the status quo by force on the Taiwan issue
(8)尹In the event of a massive attack on civilians, military support to Ukraine can be considered Rotor = Yonhap News President Yoon Seok-yeol will interview Reuters at the president’s office on the 18th
(9)Seoul = Yonhap News Reporter Kim Ji-yeon President Yoon Seok-yeol is Rush

ㅆThe war is over

image text translation

(1)Detailed information on the meaning of war intervention in the delivery of weapons to Russia’s Ukraine
(2)Bang Sung-hoon Input 2023419 1922 Modified 2023419 1926
(3)▼ 8th Street
(4)In response to the remarks, which indicated the possibility of military support to Ukraine
(5)Kremlin takes an unfriendly stance on Russia
(6)The delivery of weapons to Ukraine means clear intervention in the war
(7)Russian President Vladimir Putin’s photo =
(8)Reporter Bang Sung-hoon of E-Daily warned that “if South Korea delivers weapons to Ukraine, it means clear war intervention” in connection with Yoon Suk Yeol’s remarks that Russia could provide military support to Ukraine
(9)Dmitry Pesco, according to Reuters on the 19th

ㅆThe war is over

image text translation

(1)Here’s the political news!
(2)the two o’clock political edition
(3)Iran is the enemy of the UAE
(4)Please explain what it means


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