If I draw this much, I can go to art school

If I draw this much, I can go to art school

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If I draw this much, I can go to art school

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(1)Total number of comments 4. Swearing or slanderous comments can be left as a big scar to someone
(2)Kusanagiya Corporation
(3)I’m not good at drawing
(4)What’s wrong with Super Skull Pinny? It’s Hungry. Stop being sick. You have to be good at art to go to art school
(5)The idea of changing situational thinking and expressing it should not be done

If I draw this much, I can go to art school

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(1)Four lateral headforms Quartetes de Profil
(2)Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo da Vinci, Leonardo da Vinci
(3)Appreciating Images
(4)Museum of Louvre Museum, an unknown year of production

Da Vinci couldn’t express the idea of changing the situation expression thinking

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