The cost of repairing a wanted criminal who crashed into my car
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(1)A wanted man in his 30s who was suspected of fraud was eventually caught by the police
(1)There was other damage in the processimage text translation
(1)When I quoted the car repair estimate, the damage was close to 6 million wonimage text translation
(1)But the police’s response has become a problem since thenimage text translation
(1)I didn’t tell the owner of the carimage text translation
(1)Rather, the owner of the car who found out that the car was broken laterimage text translation
(1)I called the police and found out what happenedimage text translation
(1)Victim of damage to Chae Jong-woo’s carimage text translation
(2)Through the wanted person’s cell phone and wallet
(1)Chae Jong-woo, a victim of car damageimage text translation
(2)I called 112 and found out It’s Pohang Police Station
(1)Chae Jong-woo, a victim of car damageimage text translation
(2)I’m sure you all know this, but it’s irresponsible to just leave
(1)It occurred during the execution of official duties, so it is possible to review loss compensation under the Police Officer’s Duties Execution Actimage text translation
(1)There’s no guidance on thisimage text translation
(1)I didn’t know who to ask for compensationimage text translation
(1)Chae Jong-woo, a victim of car damageimage text translation
(2)Pohang police are not responsible for this He avoided it like this
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(1)Three days after the accident
(1)Pohang police, call the victimimage text translation
(1)I apologized and guided you through the compensation processimage text translation