image text translation
(1)It’s like you changed your profile picture to a new girl
(2)1113 views. Recommendation 20
(3)I’m a little over 8 months old and the new girl is the youngest in her 3rd month
(4)But my work was busy, so I didn’t pay much attention to the new employee for 3 months
(5)Last time, when the rival hit, I heard that the person above me should take care of the new employee and what the hell are you doing until now
(6)So I took a new employee to a cafe, bought him coffee, listened to his concerns, and took care of him
(7)The next day, a picture of me meeting my boyfriend is uploaded on my profile picture
(8)It could be a coincidence, but the day after he took care of me after being a professional for 3 months
(9)It changes right away, so it feels like J