image text translation
(1)I was 28 years old
(2)I was on my way to the east coast with my ex-girlfriend to see the sunrise, and suddenly my car ran out of battery
(3)If you’re out of battery when you start the engine, I’ll understand. I stopped for about 2 minutes with a red light on, but the battery is dead
(4)It’s been a year since I changed it
(5)Fortunately, the car wasn’t delayed because it was early in the morning, but it took an hour for the insurance company Rekka to arrive
(6)But my ex-girlfriend looks so full of energy and says, “Why don’t you tell me if you want to go?”
(7)She said this
(8)I told her that my car battery was really dead, and she was amazed that she used her brain
(9)Anyway, the insurance car came and asked me to change the battery, and it was 5 a.m
(10)No matter how much I calculate, I can’t see the sunrise because I’m leaving now, and it’s late for my ex-girlfriend, and it’s hard to drive
(11)I said I should sleep
(12)My ex-girlfriend told me what she said a while ago that it wasn’t her first time dragging her back to the hotel
(13)My ex-girlfriend was pregnant that day, and now she’s my daughter’s mother
(1)Dobby is not freeimage text translation
(2)Have you ever thought that my ex-girlfriend Hyuna broke her battery
(1)It looks like a gag 2023-04-06 170431512image text translation
(2)Best 1
(3)My future daughter is running out of battery drain
(4)If it’s not today, I’ll be gone. See you later. Move 4
(5)Recommended reply
(6)A Wilton 2023-04-06 172943 1291
image text translation
(1)Assistant 5