image text translation
(1)The second story of the year for tomorrow
(2)You said you were going to meet a working young man, son of the boss
(3)The second story of working young people for tomorrow
(4)Holding a meeting of working young people…Listening to field opinions
(5)The president’s son represents the workers
(6)a young worker
(7)There are many people who think positively about the 69 hour system on the spot
(8)But it’s not going to be kept properly…
(9)If small and medium-sized companies like us can’t take a vacation
(10)It’s very easy to move on
(11)National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(12)Jang Yechan, the employee in question, doesn’t spare any harsh words
(13)National Assembly of the Republic of Korea
(14)8 Working for my father’s company…Challenging representation
The owner’s son!!! Boss’s son!!!
image text translation
(1)You’re screwing up. Damn it’s shit