A comment on how the street cat has been waiting for adoption

A comment on how the street cat has been waiting for adoption

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(1)Subscribe to JIBS
(2)It’s going to be hot soon, so I left Marado
(3)A container life that makes a cat grow longer
(4)Input 20230414 AM 1026 Modified 20230414 AM 1156
(5)a reporter for Jeong Yong-gi
(6)45 cats taken out but still adopted
(7)Do World Heritage Headquarters promotes adoption donation before summer

A comment on how the street cat has been waiting for adoption

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(1)Cats who left Marado are living longer in temporary shelters
(2)According to the Jeju Self-Governing Province World Heritage Headquarters, 45 cats living in Marado Island were rescued from February to last month to protect the horned duck, a natural monument
(3)Currently, cats are living in temporary shelters set up in the World Heritage Headquarters
(4)Most of them are in cages in three containers
(5)So I’m protected
(6)However, it has been used for more than a month since the rescue was taken out
(7)No cat has been mutilated

A comment on how the street cat has been waiting for adoption

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(1)Where are all the cat moms who fed cats saying that cats should be protected more than endangered birds in Marado? Why don’t you adopt them
(2)Write a reply

There are people who love street cats all over the country

Does that mean there are less than 45 cat moms

One YouTuber said

Rather than feeding street cats

It’s better to take him to raise a stray cat

It’s a way to do it


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