Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)i cleaned up the leak of confidential information documentsDeputy Minister of Rice and Soup in the Fourth Reich
(2)Inquiry 5453 Comments 48↓Gallog
(3)I still don’t know where and when the first leak started, but it’s at least January of this year
(4)Provide translation Google in English
(5)Sourcing Update
(6)Lucca got the leaked file from another poster on the Discord server that apparently isn’t a Thug Shaker Central joke I then reposted it to the WowMao server The leaked files date back to at least January this year
(7)1218 April 8, 2023 – 3.44 million views
(8)166 retweet 83 quote 920 I like it 92 Bookmarks
(9)Investigative media Bellingcat Aric Toler researched this
(10)There was a subchannel called nigerbrapfm on this Thugshaker central discord server and Luccage was there to help other members post it
(11)Luccage posted it on another discord server called WowMao last March
(12)Sikersgei on the discord server that makes Minecraft maps
(13)On April 3rd, I posted my height with Misk1
(14)I went to Minecraft Discord and asked about document leakage through DM
(15)There are a lot of people, but the person who posted it is still alive
(16)My introduction
(17)When to join
(18)Click to add a note
(19)Send a message to Sikers
(20)You have to do it
(21)On April 3rd, Minserver Craft leaked documents were uploaded
(22)And in the synth of a pro-Russian document called Donbass Devushka
(23)Russian casualties fabricated and sprayed on April 5th
(24)I don’t have any confidence with him, but I’ve never had a Donbassion before
(25)Devushka, that baby was on my twitter block without oil
(26)The New York Times reported it after seeing what the pro-Russian Juke Hat had posted
(27)The leak of the cotton ball has finally become known
(28)NYT Boy also knew that there was a leaked document on the Russian side
(29)As you’ve seen before, Boo
(30)There are nearly 100 photos that were actually released in oil, but the NYT
(31)I took 48 photos
(32)There are about 12 documents in Taitelnareg
(33)What was released to the media should be considered to be a selection
(34)If you want to look it up on the web now, you can look it up on 4chan, pol – Politically
(35)Incorrect is uploaded with no water, and the picture quality is good

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)Some of them are from the Defense Intelligence Agency
(2)I wrote J-2 Joint Staff Intelligence and the U.S. Joint Chiefs of Staff
(3)Rating varies from page to page, classified by how much it affects U.S. national security when documents are released without permission
(4)Top Secret = Applicable to information where unauthorized disclosure is expected to cause particularly significant damage to national security
(5)Secret = Applicable to information when unauthorized disclosure is expected to cause serious damage to national security
(6)Confidential = Apply to information that is expected to damage national security when disclosed without permission
(7)Most of the leaks are Top Secret and Secret ratings
(8)When it’s time for these secret documents to be released to the public
(9)We’ll censor the contents in this way, and the part that was marked as confidential
(10)a document released in a row to indicate that it has been released to
(11)But if it’s leaked in an accident like this, there’s no cancellation line in the document that means it’s been released
(12)REL Release to XXX Marks used when sharing with foreign countries
(13)The marks used here are REL to FIN Finland UKR Ukraine USA FVEY Five Eyes NATO 5 types
(14)If you’re not going to share it with foreign countries, NO FOR NOT for release to
(15)Marked as foreign countries
(16)SI or SI-G is a special intelligence special
(17)-> Special information If it is not marked NOFORN
(18)Automatically shared with Five Eyes
(19)SI-gamma is a very sensitive interception of communication
(20)ORCON deissemination marking required
(22)FISA is the Overseas Information Surveillance Act, which collects information roughly accordingly
(23)It means that I did
(24)Other indications on how to collect information are available
(25)TALENT KEYHOLE TK Talent Keyhole Satellite Photography Analysis
(27)There’s something like this
(28)For example, this document is from J-2Joint Staff Intelligence to 2023
(29)It’s a document made on February 28th, 15th
(30)It’s a daily update, but I’ll gather briefings from the 224th to the 28th
(31)TOPSECRET Special Information Sharing to Foreign Countries The Overseas Information Monitoring Act
(32)이렇게 Classified like this
(33)1 Poland MIG-29 relocation plan
(34)2 Russian SIRIUS UCAV battle test completed
(35)3 Dongfeng 27 under development in China
(36)4 Icleran stanter ground SRBM good partial flight test successful
(37)5 Member of Parliament for Operation Shure due to external attacks on terrorism AQAP
(38)Journalist Hammal-Tamimi and Mania colleague Temer Tamimi
(39)6 I.M.-Israeli dual nationality killed by Palestinians
(40)Pro-Russian cint Donbass Devu fabricated the famous Royal Russian casualties
(41)a close 31 war chart
(42)Translate tweets
(43)833 Apr 2023 29.71 million views
(44)2685 retweet 318 quote 110,000 I like 589 Bookmarks
(45)Lol, Luckey, you guys are making things up. Your conscience has fallen behind
(46)While doing it
(47)According to high-definition original – up to 430,000 Russian soldiers killed at least Killedinaction
(48)350,000 Ukrainian silver 60,000-17
(49)Feb 28 Forecast Data For Ukraine’s Eastern Rasputica
(50)Muddy fields expected from April to mid-May Three rants are drawn: the men’s poppo line Paraniza-Marieupol color is the first to end in early May, the middle line with the bahmut finish after early May, and the northern harinekiu May green color is until mid-May
(51)The line
(52)the middle of the road
(54)I will not know when the date and time when the outline was marked are leaked from the end of February to March
(56)But looking at the KIA numbers, I think it was made at the end of February
(57)Ukraine is fine with land combat, but air defense and air defense are weak

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)How much Ukrainian air defense system remains, data from Feb. 28 details
(2)I think it’s based on this table that the 18th wave of Russian troops will end at the end of March and the Ukrainian air defense system will be depleted by April
(3)The location of the Ukrainian air defense network deployed at the end of February, and the location of them
(4)Estimated map for May after exhaustion
(5)If you look at the Expected Missile Examination schedule, there are a lot of April and May
(6)If we don’t replenish the anti-aircraft missiles by May, like the map above
(7)Air defense networks may disappear and become dangerous
(8)But since he was already predicting it in February, what should I do
(9)I think there’s a possibility of
(10)March 1st, at Joint Chiefs of Staff Joint Chiefs of Staff J3 J4 J5, respectively
(11)collected data
(12)J3J4J5 is in charge of strategic materials strategy
(13)This is more than me involved in NATO activities in Ukraine
(14)Lots of content
(15)Manned ISR Intelligence for Manned Surveillance and Reconnaissance in the Black Sea
(16)-> British GBR RC-135VW 1st Typhoons are doing
(17)From September 29, 2022 to February 26, 2023, this is the first time we’ve
(18)ISR in the West Black Sea
(20)-> I think it’s about 100,000 in total. It’s very close
(21)Poland’s Jasionkaa, Ukraine port
(22)1,251 people mentioned
(23)Activities within 24 hours on March 1st
(24)1Adria Sea USS George HW Bush Mouth Galleria Feb. 20
(25)Training from 2 to 4 days before some 82 NATO reconnaissance operations
(26)Sensitive mania of Doropoland besides U.S. military MQ-9
(28)Guardian Operation Rattle 3 NATO
(29)If you look at the table next to the map, you can see the NATO SOF or the U.S. military in Ukraine
(30)Forces Special Operations Special Operations
(31)14 USA, pax person, 50 UK, 15 France, Latvia
(32)17 Netherlands 1 Defense Officer
(33)He’s a special instructor in the Ukrainian army, but he’s a member of the National Army
(34)There are 100 Americans in Ukraine
(35)State No 71 DoS outside the U.S. = Department of
(36)Defense 29th List of Defense DoD=Department
(37)This is the latest 24 hours at NATO in Europe, the next 24-48 hours
(38)Training soldiers is usually done in Germany
(39)J5 Strategic Jeong’s departure policy Speria of Staff CJCS Bilateral me busy here and there at the 155mm bell Joint
(41)J4 Pulling in the water, make it 1 behind you
(42)So what came out was the time to delete 155mm of censorship
(43)If you look at the C.I.A. report that we’re going to talk about removing censorship
(44)Instead of deleting censorship, which is under pressure to remove censorship, it was unexpectedly censored by deleting censorship
(46)But if you look closely, you can see something weird in the corner

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)Jod Pound in the left corner of the background
(2)It’s a leaky guy who bought 019oz glue
(3)So I looked up other things on the background of the same page, and if you look at the strap on the top of the picture
(4)The Monga logo is also visible on other pages
(5)Customer copy receipt Nail clipper and mini-sized zipper bag
(6)What kind of combination is this? It’s a jiffy bag[Laughing]evidence
(7)Did you want to keep Youngsoo in the declaration with a nail clipper
(8)There’s an archery target at the bottom of the Rasputica page
(9)These purchased telescopes, and the people who actually do archery and shooting, you’re a punk
(10)I put it there and use it like this
(11)I think it’s the first time that the CIA or the U.S. military bought the scope between January and March
(12)I’m looking for a job, and I’m sure it’ll help
(13)The country that supports Ukraine, don’t delete the censorship, but Ismuthen
(14)Rael was there, too
(15)I thought Jigsrael was helping Iran, and I thought he was supporting her
(16)As if you’re trying to do more than you think
(17)This is the CIA report on Israel Mossad vs Netanyahu
(18)And the situation on the Donbas front that the military leaders are curious about
(19)Front changes near Bachmut from July 2022 to January 2023

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)In 2023, there was a Rusky offensive in the Donbas area, but still, um
(2)It’s called a massive stillmate situation
(3)According to the title of the map, 2022… February 24th last year, Bachmu
(4)Beware that it says T-batch
(5)It’s either last year’s data or 2023, but I don’t know if it’s a typo
(6)Overhead Persistent Infrared OPIR with infrared heat
(7)I guess the data was analyzed by satellite
(8)It says it was tracked from February 17th to 24th
(9)The Krajina War began on the 24th of 2022
(10)And so the data is from February 24, 2023, and it’s about making documents
(11)I can guess that it’s a real mistake
(12)Baghdade after the fall of the Soledar salt mine
(13)When you think it’s a real offensive map north of Bachmut
(14)Description of Bachmut situation with topography on March 1st
(15)And as we go down from the north to the south, the overall pain of March 1st
(16)a wire map appears one by one
(17)Axis in North Kharkiv
(18)Central Bachmut Axis
(19)Central Donetsk Axis
(20)Southern Zaporizhia – Herson Axis

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)a mechanized field gun
(2)Ukrainian military combat equipment situation
(3)And an alliance with an American brother who wants to replenish Ukrainian military equipment
(4)NATO’s ambitious plan to bring it by roughly April
(5)20232 Ukraine month 15 February 19 February 21
(6)military precision strike damage feedback
(7)JDAM-ER doesn’t mean that it’s a failure
(8)It’s called “Yoo”
(9)One bomb fuse is not armed at the time of release
(10)2 GPS signal acquisition problem of SAG-U Tae and Scorpo Greywolf
(11)Doubt – Russian GPS Jaming
(12)I’m done with the painting. I’m done with the CIA report collection
(13)Defense supplies official’s response to Prigozhin’s allegations against attempted orders, Syrian troops
(14)Security in the Lubagable Port-au-Prince Haiti capital
(15)I’m looking for medicine
(16)Budapest is divided into Washington, D. Tehran, early in the month into SLV Hungarian adverbs, C
(17)Iran ready to launch TeIAEA3
(18)Director Kwon Chul-hoe of Iran’s Thehe Rebellion to discuss enrichment
(19)Tevisangran, Republic of Korea
(20)Ukrainian troops battled Russia’s March 5th throw to stabilize the situation at Port; Nikhir was a disaster
(21)I’m telling you, Special forces will know
(22)to the second lieutenant
(23)If you look at the fact that he is decorating a small plot, the page and the connection show that Putin’s new meal is probably an anticancer treatment
(25)Until March 5th
(26)It’s about waiting
(27)Russia’s defence ministry is located in Mikolayu Odessa on March 3
(28)I’m planning to attack you
(29)Russia’s GOU attacks Ukraine’s energy infrastructure, bridges to provide target information
(30)a great ability

Summary of confidential U.S. documents leaked from Discord.jpg

image text translation

(1)Ukraine president proposes strike at unspecified Russian deployment site in Rostov, Russia
(2)Russia devises battle plan with NATO tank to deliver to Ukraine from early April 2023
(3)Russian troops in Luhansk for operation to clear mines for Gazprom pipeline
(5)UNSG considering meeting or visiting Ukraine
(6)Almost certainly, the Secretary-General of the IAEA is in the ZNPP room when the UN is fighting
(7)I was angry about the possibility of rejecting the door
(8)Censorship, which was under pressure to censor de-censorship
(9)NATO naval forces on the NSR Northern Sea Route North Sea Route
(10)Russian Defense Ministry’s Concern About Navigating Inside
(11)This is all I have right now
(12)If there are more memes, I’ll upload them again
(13)Comment 48C

I removed the confidential documents and organized them. – Military Minor Gallery

I still don’t know where and when it was first removed, but it’s at least from January this year. It was investigated by a staff member of the media Bellingcat Aric Toler on the Thug shaker central discord server


Putin Says He Has Real Cancer

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