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The shocking truth that I thought was an monkfish egg


The shocking truth that I thought was an monkfish egg

image text translation

(1)Things that look like eggs!
(2)There are a lot of things like this when you watch monkfish soup
(3)That’s why you would think that the eggs are delicious
(4)Actually, this is not a word!
(5)To be exact, it’s not a parasite
(6)It’s an abnormal tissue created by parasites
(7)Most of the fish in the genus are infected with this
(8)That’s what it is!
(9)You know the bones of fish that belong to the monkfish
(10)It infects nerve nodes or nerve cells in those bones
(11)The roundness of the surrounding area is made by unspoiled worms
(12)It’s a similar tumor tissue called Xenoma
(13)Actually, it’s been 2 or 3 days since I bought this
(14)As you can see, there’s a lot of water
(15)When I first bought it, there was no water So, whether you’re a mayor or not
(16)Whether it’s at a mart or a packaged monkfish, it’s a tip
(17)The monkfish that has a lot of water in it
(18)It’s been a day or two at least
(19)And what we call an angina sporeworm, is that it’s very important to build nerve tissue in the back of the angina
(20)By infecting them, they form abnormal, similar tumor tissue
(21)The effect on the host is
(22)An infection doesn’t kill the host right away
(23)It’s getting weaker and weaker and weaker
(24)I lose a lot of nutrients
(25)And we’re going to cook this anyway
(26)Maybe that’s why I’m still eating this
(27)There are no cases where there are any side effects
(28)I’m sure most of you didn’t know about this, but it’s actually harmful to humans
(29)It’s not a parasite or tumor tissue
(30)I just ate it like that
(31)It’s slippery and I don’t feel that good
(32)I don’t think it’s a good texture to eat
(33)I’m sure a lot of people thought it was eggs
(34)What we’ve been eating the tumor so far
(35)But the reason why it wasn’t a problem to eat like this
(36)If you put it in the bath, the tumor tissue will probably look like a bone in it’s cooked
(37)Or it’ll stand out in the monkfish soup
(38)For steamed monkfish, since it’s red and stir-fried in the sauce
(39)I don’t think it would have been visible even if I had this
(40)I bet most of you didn’t know


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