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India Tries to Clean Up the Ganges River


India Tries to Clean Up the Ganges River

image text translation

(1)An additional 250 billion won will be invested to clean up the water quality of the Ganges River in India
(2)Article Input 2018-11-22 1425 Article Original Text Listening Settings
(3)In particular, the focus of this area is on improving the water quality of the Yamuna River near the Taj Mahal
(4)This is because there are concerns that the outer wall of the Taj Mahal is turning yellow due to green excrement secreted by insects from the polluted Yamuna River
(5)The Yamuna River runs from the Ganges near the Taj Mahal in India
(6)Chemical wastewater dumped from a nearby factory creates foam in the river. If exposed to the foam for a long time, it’s a poison that destroys the skin like the picture above
(7)So even in India, among the Ganges River purification projects, the Yamuna River purification project was focused on
(8)How will the Indian people react to the river’s bubble
(9)It’s a divine bubble blessed by God, and it’s being used in a useful way

a bubble bath

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