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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Where did you want to go
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Park Ingyeom, Humanities major
(3)I originally wanted to go to medical school
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(1)I don’t think it’s good enough to go to medical school
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(1)I don’t know if I did it like that
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(1)Or did you have any other reason
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Park In-jeom Humanities
(3)I got accepted to a medical school, but it was a local medical school
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Park In-jeom Humanities
(3)Because I’m from Seoul
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Park In-jeom Humanities
(3)I thought it would be better to go to a university in Seoul
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(1)Studio Company Wa Spor
(2)Later on, about that choice
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)or look back
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(1)Studio Corporation
(2)Don’t you think this is going to happen
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(1)a studio apartment
(2)Then, you can take the college entrance exam again
I’m an information student at Seoul National University