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912 people committed suicide


912 people committed suicide

image text translation

(1)Johnstown mass suicide
(2)As many as 918 people died at the same time in the disaster, also called mass suicide of the people’s temple
(3)November 18, 1978
(4)There is a bizarre incident in which 912 people drink drugs and commit suicide in groupsOf the dead, 276 were children
(5)The mastermind of the incident was found with a gunshot wound to the head His name is Jim Jones
(6)more than 20 years before the incident
(7)June 1956
(8)Jim Jones established the People’s Temple, the People’s Temple, the Church of Ethnic Unity
(9)I started as a religious leader in the nature of a volunteer organization visiting people in need
(10)Considering that it’s in the 50s, it distinguishes black from white
(11)The message of unity that it will not is certainly progressive
(12)It is said that the reason why Jones actually came to think of his own church is because of black discrimination in other churches
(14)Jim Jones said Indianapolis was a nuclear disaster
(15)Tell the congregation that you’ve received a sign that you’re going to get caught up
(16)Jim Jones and the congregation therefore move the personnel office to Indian Californiain Annapolis
(17)Jones dreamed of living a life of peace and equitability for everyone as a co-star
(18)Therefore, all the church members’ property was given to the church, and the church was fairly divided
(19)When the church was completely under Jones’ control, the people’s temple members worked hard to serve the community
(20)Of course, the response from the media and the community was favourable
(21)But internally, Jones frequently deified himself as Jesus, and immediately to the congregation
(22)The destruction of mankind will come, so I ask you to take care of yourself
(24)Jim Jones is not satisfied with a small community in California
(25)Dreaming of his own kingdom outside of the United States
(26)He was chosen as his own kingdom in the Republic of South America
(27)Jones is a wreck from Gaia
(28)Some of the members of the church begin to migrate on a small scale
(29)But Jones is still a long way from America
(30)Year 1977
(31)In the U.S. media, the perversion of male believers, the assault of believers, and the healing of miracles
(32)Jones decides to leave the United States when testimony from various believers, including fraud, comes to the surface
(33)And I want you to make a full-fledged announcement
(34)Before the media revelations, there were only about 50 members who moved to Guyana
(35)Hundreds of people are the mainstay of an impending revelationTo it
(36)Jones was a pure earthly paradise, and he enticed the congregation, but he arrived at the rainforest
(37)It is natural that there is a lack of various auxiliary facilities, and that they live together in a small place like a pigsty was divided into gender and accepted as
(38)a rickshaw
(39)be married without exception
(40)Those who arrive in Guyana will be forced to build Jones TownIn the heat and humidity of the jungle, high school 11th graders continue to be safe, and even if they preached to Jim John’s mother to be heard, this sermon was said to have made the church members unable to sleep day and night
(41)over hours of hard work
(42)It’s a huge installation for pickers
(43)Some members of the church considered Johnstown a paradise on earth
(44)People who are tired of the hard work of reality and want to escape are starting to emerge
(45)But if Jones escapes, he will kill the natives
(46)He threatened to be beaten to prevent him from escaping
(47)We’re gonna lock up the area around Johnstown with armed security, making it impossible to escape if you’re not confident
(48)November 17, 1978 A Minor Start Causes a Tragedy
(49)The request of the families of the remaining members of the church in the United States, and in Johnstown
(50)as soon as the ominous rumours began to emerge about
(51)Leo Ryan, a California congressman, himself
(52)I decide to visit Johnstown for investigation
(53)Ryan, the man of California, himself
(54)Decided to visit the Survey Chowoon
(55)The House of Representatives is a member of NBC’s staff and a town family
(56)I made a big visit
(57)The congregation laughed at Leo Ryan and acted as if he was happy
(58)I sense something is off
(59)And some of the actual members of the congregation wrote a note to NBC staff
(60)express one’s desire to leave Johnstown through
(61)As the morning dawns, Senator Rio Ryan tries to return to the U.S. with a hopeful escape
(62)For fear of retaliation from Jones, only a few of the congregation accept the escape
(63)Get ready to go to the truck with Congressman Ryan and his entourage
(64)And then I leave Johnstown for the airport
(65)The truck with the party arrived at the airport, but the plane was not ready enough to leave immediately
(66)Member for Johnstown, who then appeared on a tractor
(67)The party is baptized with machine guns and most die immediately
(68)Meanwhile, Jim Jones of Johnstown brings the congregation together
(69)Jones preached to the congregation, and he was terrified
(70)He said he looked restless
(71)I’m angry that some of the church members left, and the Prince of Japan attacked Congressman Burn Ryan
(72)Ttotown again
(73)Tell the congregation it won’t be safe
(74)Soon, a massive U.S. government attack is imminent, and when the churchmen parachute down from the sky, they warn them
(75)I’ll kill innocent children!
(76)SOCIETY Jones said the only way to solve this was to say that suicide was revolutionary and that there was no other way to do it, but it was ignored by protests from other believersSoon there was a message that Congressman Ryan was dead, and Jones became more urgent, and when they came to this land, he would torture our children, torture our people, and torture our old people
(78)We can’t afford this
(79)urge someone to commit suicide again
(80)Jones took the congregation to grape flavored juice, cyanide
(81)mix the balium and get the congregation to drink in a hurry
(82)I asked the infants and children to drink first, but if they can’t, I’ll use a syringe
(83)He said he sprayed it in his mouth and gave it to the child, and the remaining drink was drunk by the motherThe number of poison-containing ryos has been turned
(84)While it was spinning, people who died first began to grow
(85)He refused to drink part of it, forcing people to eat it with guns
(86)It didn’t take 5 minutesIt’s sweet
(87)912 people drank drinks containing drugs and 276 of them were children
(88)Including Ryan, who was hiding in the jungle and survived, the total number of victims was at the airport in Johnstown
(89)918 people
(90)It’s often called mass suicide, but 276 of the victims were children, so some argue that the massacres were more appropriate. Children and toddlers were found with a shot in the head, Jim Jones, a suicide victim, but an insider’s action was not revealed
(92)Or is it suicide? There’s a history in the U.S
(93)the Johnstown disaster
(94)The highest number of deaths, excluding natural disasters
(95)be remembered as a rock


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