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If Eastern Rome existed in the 21st century


If Eastern Rome existed in the 21st century

“Prime Minister Andronikos’ announcement of the expansion of the navy cannot be repeated by Andronikos II’s mistake cannot be repeated

Cabinet bombshells that don’t even know how many Solidus a carrier resigns as Economy Minister

Bulgaria’s president is fiercely opposed to the name of the new aircraft carrier Vasilios II

Inflation is the worst in 1,000 years since Mikhail VII

Our ancestors also made absurd remarks by the ignorant Swedes who scribbled on Hagia Sophia

“Prime Minister Andronikos’ remarks “More Than Business” for a month inundation in Venice”

The fourth marriage of the crown prince cannot be left unattended, and the fourth marriage is a beast

“President Joe Biden asks Prime Minister Andronikos “why did you kill your nephew” again over dementia”

79 members of the Senate held blue and green flags and shouted for the resignation of the Cabinet

In the end, the prime minister resigned for 173 days, the eighth time in the past five years

“Mataios Socialist Party leader, “Are you going to make me the second Cicero?” Controversy over rude remarks to the emperor.”

Litigation against government flamethrowers companies Grik Fire brand names government’s copyright fees

The sudden cancellation of Theodoros I’s ceremony raised the theory of conspiracy against the imperial family’s external pressure. No, I respect Emperor Nicaea, too

The leader of the Golden Dawn Party apologizes to Egypt for the remarks of the Roman Empire, Aegiptus

I want to visit Mount Athos First Lady Speech Monks Tradition Is Tradition Extreme Confrontation

Thessaloniki Garum Plant has been in operation for 17 months, and is there any countermeasure against residents’ complaints

“Controversy over Italian Prime Minister Jorja Meloni’s remarks, “Why do things without Rome call themselves the Roman Empire?”

“Israeli Prime Minister Urges the Roman Empire State Department Israel to Stop the Gaza Air Raid, “If you insist, I’ll meet you in Masada””

“China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs warns Constantinople, “Even a millennium empire will collapse someday.”

“Secretary of State Teodorus, “It’s okay because we’re a 2,000-year-old empire,” immediately counterattacks.”

Terrorist attacks on the Turko rebels in the mountainous region

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