The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)a life-walker’s secret
(2)I think I had to eat pork belly to eat meat
(3)It’s a difficult time, so I went to make money, so I should buy the cheapest meat
(4)the grace of the Eombangsa Temple of Eombangsa Temple
(5)a life-saving transplant store
(6)It’s been over 10 years for nearly 20 years

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)You ate it everyday for more than 20 years
(2)Transfer tax is an example
(3)a rival company’s ideology
(4)Generally speaking, it’s okay
(5)There’s a little arteriosclerosis here

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)sick and sick of life
(2)It’s in the normal range at this age
(3)Cardiac CT results
(4)a life insurer’s secret
(5)Lee Dohyun 59 Hanwangryeol 68
(6)a slight arteriosclerosis

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)the half-day of St. Mary’s soldiers
(2)Professor Kwon Hyun-chul, Department of Circulatory Medicine at Samsung Medical Center
(3)The most important thing is calories. If you eat a lot of meat, it’s bound to be high in calories
(4)at the time of life and death
(5)The second important thing is the amount of animal fat. If you eat a lot of meat, you’re bound to have a lot of animal fat

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)·To the extent of the history of the soul
(2)Actually, the intake of animal fat in Korea is
(3)I don’t think there are that many compared to the West

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)Fatty acid content of five meats
(2)Source: Korea Food Research Institute
(3)saturated fatty acid. unsaturated fatty acid
(4)an old soldier’s horse
(5)Dr. Ha Jae-ho, Korea Food Research Institute
(6)The oil in pork belly is better than the oil in other meat
(7)You might think it’s bad, but it’s not really like that

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)You can see that there’s not much difference compared to duck meat and chicken that we like
(2)information detail
(3)On the other hand, for sirloin and ribs, essential fatty acids
(4)I could tell that it wasn’t enough

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)Source: Korea Food Research Institute
(2)Analysis result g100g
(3)Oleic acid, Linoleic acid
(4)Pork belly oil
(5)The Secret of Life and Death
(6)Boiled pork belly cooked for 30 minutes

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)the secret of life and death
(2)Grilled pork belly for 7 minutes
(3)Comparison of fat content of grilled and boiled pork belly
(4)Source: Korea Food Research Institute
(5)grilled pork belly
(6)Boiled pork belly 392

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)a life soldier’s horse
(2)Should I think of Japan
(3)I could tell that the amount of fat left was similar
(4)When analyzing the composition of fatty acids
(5)the days of life and death
(6)Dr. Ha Jae-ho, Korea Food Research Institute
(7)When it’s cooked or boiled
(8)The amount of fat escaping is similar

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)Professor Lim Kyung-sook, Department of Food and Nutrition, Suwon University
(2)Work is an event
(3)Pork belly contains relatively high levels of saturated fatty acids and cholesterolHigh
(4)There are a lot of people who are worried. You don’t have to worry
(5)Pork belly is rich in protein
(6)unsaturated fatty acids such as oleic acid and linolenic acid

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)It’s full of vitamin B1, which helps with energy metabolism, so if you take it properly, it’s good for your health
(2)a life soldier’s secret angel
(3)It’s related to the speed of drinking, so it’s important to drink slowly

The health of a man who ate pork belly every day for 20 years

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(1)I’ve been grilling pork belly every day for decades for work, and there’s no major problem with my blood vessels
(2)Experts say it’s pork belly
(3)If you take a moderate amount, it’s not a big problem even if you eat it every daya shout
(4)It’s just drinking and snacking
(5)Vascular problems are caused by a mixture of various complex elements
(6)And I’m going to get rid of the oil, and I’m going to boil it with boiled meat, but there’s no oil
(7)There’s not much difference in oil content from grilled food

I’m going to eat pork belly and soju after watching this

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