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What’s the point of a man cheating on you, Spock


What’s the point of a man cheating

What's the point of a man cheating on you, Spock

image text translation

(1)Q Why do men cheat
(2)Why do males cheat
(3)an evolutionary strategy
(5)The best strategy is
(6)dealing with a lot of females
(7)But it’s different for females
(8)The number of babies a female can give birth to is limited
(9)the lowest point in the world
(10)#Anyway, limited birth limits
(11)It can lead to quality improvement
(12)But in the case of course
(13)If you deal with more women
(14)to be able to get a lot more children
(15)The male world is
(16)It has the advantage of breeding
(17)You can’t deny it scientifically
(18)But just because I’m like that
(19)”All men, have an affair
(20)I’m not saying this at all

What's the point of a man cheating on you, Spock

image text translation

(1)Q If cheating is instinctive, why is there a standard of monogamy
(2)For me, early on
(3)In the women’s age, men wear makeup, too2003
(4)I wrote a provocative book
(5)All regions
(6)In that book
(7)”Monogamy is actually a system created by men.”
(8)I made a provocative decision
(9)It’s so bloody!
(10)#There are people who always do that
(11)We talk about this a lot when we’re drinking
(13)the bravado of a drinking party
(14)One day
(15)I poured cold water on that comment and wrote a book about it
(16)#I really think so
(17)That’s what he said
(18)No, think about it…
(19)If there’s no monogamy
(20)Won Bin and Hyun Bin take thousands of people
(21)It’s not your turn and mine
(22)#Many men’s delusions
(23)He thought he was Hyun Bin
(24)He thinks he’s Wonbin and he’s mistaken
(25)In fact, if monogamy is a problem
(26)It’s not institutional, so…
(27)In the past, our monarchs and kings
(28)We’re going to find some decent women all over the country
(30)I’ll pick all of them
(31)You took it
(32)a score of 00
(33)#History of feudal society
(34)If you look at the history of feudal society
(35)Sexual exploitation is fundamental to everything
(36)What kind of exploitation is
(37)In Korean history
(38)One year difference!
(39)There’s nothing that stands out
(40)in the history of
(41)aristocratic women leaving the castle
(42)To exploit the milk on the women in the village
(43)The commoner women who live in the village
(44)You have to breastfeed your child
(45)I’ll pay for it’s
(46)to one’s children
(47)to breastfeed
(48)The man in power
(49)It’s a lot of women
(51)He’s got a lot of kids in his body
(53)It doesn’t end with giving birth
(54)In the process of raising her
(55)Exploiting the common people always happened
(56)In a way, the history of mankind is
(57)It is no exaggeration to say that it is a history of exploitation of women
(58)I have a colleague who wrote a book on that subject

What's the point of a man cheating on you, Spock

image text translation

(1)But even in modern times
(2)monogamy adopted in most countries
(3)Imagine releasing monogamy
(4)What happened!!
(5)Will it fall off
(6)I have to go home. My wife isn’t waiting for me
(7)You have to think carefully
(8)I’m alone
(9)I have to work today
(10)Do you think you’ll get a job
(11)I would wake up from work and go to the side by side
(12)You have to do something to attract attention
(13)the whole point
(14)Let me explain this more dramatically
(15)I left the office.
(16)Are you going home
(17)So many men, so many men, so many men, so many men
(18)They’ll pour out into the streets to save them
(19)What kind of person is this
(20)But that’s the animal society
(21)Bears are always like that
(22)That’s what the male tiger always does
(23)Insect males do that every time
(24)This is just
(25)It’s their life
(26)Even in human society
(27)When monogamy is gone
(28)We have to completely go back to being animals
(29)You won’t be able to work
(30)As a result, I have to leave my genes in future generations
(31)Some of them are trying to maintain a private meeting
(32)play a decisive role
(33)Thanks to monogamy
(34)I have a wife, too
(35)That’s what I’m most grateful for
(36)Q Then why do people who cheat keep smoking even if they get caught
(37)Birds usually keep monogamy
(38)The reason why birds are monogamy is evolutionary
(39)It’s a very interesting experiment
(40)There’s a Canadian scholar
(41)under evolutionary influence
(42)The monogamy is neglected, but it’s an omniscient affair
(43)Rum type
(44)There was a male who cheated on me
(45)So this researcher is very careful
(46)#Results of careful observation
(47)The birds were so busy
(48)War wind is blood
(49)Your role as the head of the household is faithfully
(50)It was so hard to live in two houses
(51)There was no difference in the number of people waiting
(52)As a result, statistically
(53)It wasn’t meaningful
(54)The wind is usually
(55)The man is smoking
(56)If there’s a guy who’s cheating on you
(57)There must be a woman cheating on you
(58)But for men
(59)so-called extramarital affair
(60)The outer road is very wide
(61)Wind is 1
(62)The idea that only men smoke
(63)It’s KNK’s miscalculation
(64)Humans need to be nurtured by their parents
(65)of a child of honorably
(66)a sharp drop
(67)I didn’t know that. Among us
(68)Some of the men
(69)”Oh, as long as it’s not monogamy.”
(70)Heaven and Earth Ceremony
(71)Unless it’s monogamous
(72)No one’s turn is coming…

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