A woman who is embarrassed because her boyfriend is disabled

A woman who is embarrassed because her boyfriend is disabled

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A woman who is embarrassed because her boyfriend is disabled

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(1)I decided to watch a movie with my girlfriend after having dinner last night
(2)I was standing at the movie theater to get tickets for an animation movie quickly, and it said that Munhwa Nuri Card would be used for promotional materials
(3)My younger brother is a disabled family and I am a real dependent, so I am holding a Culture Nuri card under my name
(4)I’ve never used it, but I heard it works, so I’m standing in line at an unmanned ticketing machinego
(5)I went to the ticket office and asked the staff if I could use this card
(6)The staff said they can use it and buy popcorn, so I was like, “Oh my gosh.”
(7)I told my girlfriend that I can eat popcorn with this
(8)Why is my girlfriend holding a card like thatIt’s long
(9)My brother got it because he had a disability light
(10)I’m so embarrassed. Why are you suddenly taking that out
(11)As soon as I heard that, I didn’t understand
(12)Why do you feel embarrassed when others see you
(13)He was annoyed that I asked him why he took out a basic livelihood security card
(14)Even though I explained everything
(15)Then you can use the Internet. Why are you taking it out from the outside
(16)So I decided not to watch a movie and came home
(17)I just want to block you because you haven’t contacted me for a day
(18)Why are there people who care about others with that
(19)When I posted this on TAKEOMU, I said it was my fault
(20)Your girlfriend may be embarrassed Anyway, it’s my younger brother’s. Why do you use it? My younger brother doesn’t need to pay attention to others and save faceThis is the reaction
(21)I want to ask if it’s really my fault or if I’m weird

A woman who is embarrassed because her boyfriend is disabled

image text translation

(1)I got a message early in the morning, so I said let’s talk on the phone
(2)First of all, I don’t know why you’re angryI’m ashamed of my brother’s disability. Why did he do that
(3)He got angry like this
(4)My girlfriend feels sorry for me
(5)When I thought about it calmly for a day, I think it was rude
(6)When I was a student, they sent me letters to support school meals
(7)I thought of it and did it without realizing it
(8)After hearing that
(9)Anyway, didn’t you say that to save face
(10)I said I don’t want to face you anymore because I feel like I’ve seen your bottom
(11)I didn’t think you would accept my apology
(12)I don’t want to fight over nothing and break up
(13)As always, he says he loves me
(14)Don’t you think this isn’t a big deal
(15)I mean, you’ve been acting like that after hearing my explanation, and you’re ignoring my brother and my family
(16)After that, we were repeating the same meaning and different words, and suddenly
(17)I did my best to you and I didn’t mean it. I didn’t get married, but I just have to be nice to you. How can I care about my family
(18)He was talking nonsense like this, but he was crying
(19)He didn’t even know what he was talking about
(20)I just said, “Okay, it’s not your fault. Let’s all live well.”
(21)Hang up and block
(22)I wrote it calmly
(23)Me too! I’m in a state of mental and physical weakness
(24)I don’t think I have a good eye for people, so I got a lot of reality hits me hard
(25)I’ve repeated it hundreds of times to cut it off like a knife, but I’m hoping for hope while talking
(26)I think I’m the most pathetic and ugly lol
(27)Yesterday, I gave my dongseng a game account and in front of the computer
(28)We hung out together. I feel sorry for my younger brother
(29)Oh, my

A woman who is embarrassed because her boyfriend is disabled

image text translation

(1)A depressed dog 2023-03-29 20152940
(2)Disability isn’t something to be embarrassed about, but you don’t have to think about your girlfriend
(3)I’m telling you to kick it. You crazy people, move
(4)UPDATE NEWB2 2023-03-29 243 124670
(5)Thanks to my brother, I was able to filter out people well. I thanked him
(6)Let’s do it
(7)Recommended reply
(8)Lee Sung and Wisdom 2023-03-29 23221370
(9)While reading the review, of course, I thought that my girlfriend received support for school meals when she was in school, and it was a story that crossed the line because it hurt, but I’m less than a human being. 1 move
(10)Recommendation R reply


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