the shooting of a newlywed couple

the shooting of a newlywed couple

image text translation

(1)Murder in the business of newlyweds
(2)Because of a scuffle on the road
(3)Murder in the business of newlyweds
(4)to a murder case
(5)Discount Time for Newlywed Couples at Al-Sul Beomjip
(6)January 1999 Samcheok, Gangwon-do
(7)(8)a man and a woman dressed in hanbok
(9)a case found dead
(10)Discounts on Newlywed Couples’ Businesses in Al-Sul-Bum House
(11)two days before the day of the incident
(12)This newlywed couple got married
(13)The murder of a newlywed couple in a house of criminals
(14)In a difficult situation, I’ll go to Gangwon-do
(15)I was on my honeymoon in my car
(16)(17)I was driving down an unpaved road
(18)I overtook a car in front of me
(19)(20)But in the overtaken car
(21)the case of the criminal’s wife
(22)on a pheasant hunt
(23)Mr. Jeom and Mr. Han
(24)(25)These two people are ridinggo
(26)The Myth and Murder of the World
(27)In retaliation for being overtaken!
(28)the two men who started the chase

the shooting of a newlywed couple

image text translation

(1)the murder of a married couple
(2)Announcement of the businesses that were trying to hunt pheasants
(3)a useful greeting
(4)My wife cried
(5)Pulling him out of the car
(6)a murder case of miscellaneous cancer
(7)Please take my husband to the hospital
(8)a newlywed couple in a family of criminals
(9)When she was denied an earnest request, she said
(10)a miscellaneous murder case
(11)with a howl of evil
(12)a picture of an adult who is a useless gentleman
(13)Then kill me too!
(14)a senseless murder photograph
(15)on a woman’s body and chest
(16)Fire another live ammunition
(17)Bride company personnel appointments for Al-Sul-beom
(18)In the end, the couple
(19)end one’s life
(20)(21)There’s no possibility
(22)The murder of a newlywed couple in a house of criminals
(23)We didn’t know each other before
(24)a murder case
(25)Other than being overtaken
(26)Even though there’s no harm
(27)a well-known as a priest
(28)He just overtook his car
(29)The reason for this murder

the shooting of a newlywed couple

image text translation

(1)The Brave and the Korean Believers
(2)The perpetrator, Jung
(3)There was a lot of dust
(4)I’ve been slowing down
(5)Because I overtook my car
(6)I shot him in the car because I was angry
(7)the murder of a newlywed couple in a house of criminals
(8)But this case
(9)How did it become known to the world
(10)The murder of a newlywed couple in a house of criminals
(11)They killed the couple
(12)the perpetrators who left the scene immediately
(13)The case of not a newlywed couple
(14)The scene of the incident is a mountain path with no CCTV
(15)The case of a newlywed couple
(16)But the headquarters of the headquarters
(17)Behind two cars
(18)The murder of a newlywed couple
(19)Another car coming in
(20)the murder of a couple who are useless
(21)the appearance of an eyewitnesses
(22)The culprit is the murder of a newlywed couple
(23)a witness with a hunch of seriousness
(24)The murder of a religious couple
(25)running away without getting out of the car
(26)(27)”These people are strange!
(28)The Al-Sul-bum-jip Father’s Loyalty Case
(29)In a witness car running away
(30)I’m going to announce the dragon again

It is said that the newlywed couple had a 2-year-old and a 7-year-old child at the time

Chung and Han missed the witness while chasing him and were arrested seven months later through a report

It turned out that Chung had a robbery and rape record, and Han had a robbery record of five

They said they were momentarily too angry to overtake our car as to the reason for the murder

Chung, who shot the gun, and Han, who assisted the death penalty, were sentenced to five years in prison

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