image text translation
(1)Go! Tune! Thank you
(2)I’d like to say thank you to my great-grandfather
(1)In the 1980s, my great-grandfather was involved in the independence movementimage text translation
(1)a man who confessed his conscience to the fake independence movementimage text translation
(2)It turns out that it didn’t exist
(1)a man who confessed his conscience to the fake independence movementimage text translation
(2)with an apology to one’s great-grandfather
(1)Theepumant, who confessed to the fake independence movementimage text translation
(2)My great-grandson Jonggap applied for cancellation of the decoration
(1)Pick one. Thank youimage text translation
(2)On August 3, 2017, in Korea
(1)I’ll pick oneimage text translation
(2)I would like to remind you that the decoration given to your great-grandfather has been canceled
(1)I’ll pick oneimage text translation
(2)It’s not true that he was active in the army
(1)Pla-dun-dakyuimage text translation
(2)There’s someone else in the same track
(1)I’ll surprise youimage text translation
(2)That’s why it’s wrong
(3)That’s when I realized it
(1)I’ll cut itimage text translation
(2)I heard that there’s a person named Kim Jungpil who has the same track record
(1)中 인며 松羅그리고 으로 이어지는 宗孫承셈이다 生하지었다 conversational with each otherimage text translation
(2)I’ll pick one
(1)I’ll pick oneimage text translation
(1)a man who confessed his conscience to the fake independence movementimage text translation
(2)It’s refreshing. Sponsorship. It’s the chorus inside
Dangsuk lied and claimed that his grandfather was an independence activist
I found out that there was a person with the same title and asked to cancel the decoration
Korea’s No. 1 confession that he is a fake independence activist
There’s someone like this I respect you