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Why the Indonesian Rainforest Is Disappearing


image text translation

(1)”Before the Flood” by Leonardo DiCaprio
(2)the rest of the earth
(3)The great rainforest area is
(4)Leonardo DiCaprio’s Before The Salad!
(5)There are currently three places
(6)Before the Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio
(7)the Amazon of South America and the Congo Basin of Africa
(8)Before the Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio
(9)And Indonesia’s
(10)It’s the Southeast Asian rainforest
(11)Before the Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio
(12)In Indonesia, people set fires intentionally
(13)Leonardo DiCaprio’s
(14)Before the Flood
(15)the cheapest in the world
(16)making vegetable oils
(17)Leonardo DiCaprio the Flood
(18)To build a palm oil farm
(19)It’s Leonardo DiCaprio’s
(20)Pal oil is processed food for cooking oil
(21)It goes into cosmetics and detergents
(22)With cheap raw materials
(23)Companies are making huge profits
(24)I’m making money
(25)You see the line down there
(26)If you look at it from the palm oil farm
(27)It looks like this
(28)The palm oil is endless
(29)That’s a long way out
(30)Before the Flood
(31)There are so many rainforests
(32)I can’t believe you destroyed it
(33)Before the
(34)Indonesia’s Reuzer ecosystem
(35)DiCaprio Red, too
(36)The rhinoceros of the female elephant
(37)Orangutan tigers live together
(38)The Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio
(39)It’s the last place on Earth
(40)Leonardo DiCaprio’s
(41)It’s really pretty
(42)From Indonesia
(43)As the palm oil industry expands
(44)of DiCaprio
(45)This is a tropical 80th Street forest
(46)It’s damaged
(48)Indonesia is the world’s most famous country
(49)It’s one of the worst countries in the worldchapter
(50)Technology industries are buying for nothing
(51)I’ll burn the ground. I’ll get permission
(53)Then, I’ll go to the forest fire
(54)It releases a huge amount of carbon
(55)In 2015
(56)When there was a forest fire in India, there was a fire in Necia
(57)”Before Dirty
(58)Small coal-oil emissions
(59)There were a lot. Everyone in the U.S
(60)Gold Island, Forest, and Fire Grace
(61)I keep waking up
(63)It’s the only thing that people can do in the rest of their lives
(64)It’s not like you’re in danger

image text translation

(1)It’s Leonardo DiCaprio’s
(2)Before the Flood
(3)The lives of the animals in the forest are at stake
(4)How I used to be
(5)Lots of rhinos and elephants
(6)A forest full of orangutans
(7)Dr. Ian Singleton
(8)Paneco Foundation Environmental Protection Head
(9)They’re working in the palm oil industry
(10)It’s a byproduct of a lost forest
(11)Refugees who left the forest that no longer exists
(12)Before the Flood by Leonardo DiCaprio
(13)People say it’s pathetic, but they’re lucky survivors
(14)The other orangutans
(15)What happened
(16)The rest are dead
(17)People cut down the forest
(18)The reason why I’m making palm oil farms is because
(19)Before the Flood
(20)People don’t like palm oil
(21)It’s because I keep buying
(22)Leonardo DiCaprio and
(23)Before Duffled
(24)the messenger gods
(25)What do you do at the supermarket
(26)The Flood
(27)The decisions that you make in your daily life
(28)It affects this ecosystem
(29)I need to know everything


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