image text translation
(1)Controversy over Tae Young-ho’s remarks
(2)43 triggered by Kim Il-sung’s instruction
(1)尹President’s neglected staff of the founding presidentimage text translation
(2)Syngman Rhee restored his honor in anger at the field
(3)I gave directions
(4)※ Reporter Shin Kyo-geun 입력 Input 20230329 1848 Comments 0
(5)When Syngman Rhee fell into the background of the 31st verse, the staff were reprimanded
(6)How can we leave out the founding president of the Republic of Korea? To the extent that he is so angry that his aides are making a fuss. President Lee Seung-man is historically too undervalued because he often talks about Rhee Syng-man to his aides at private meetingsWhy should the founder of the Republic of Korea be evaluated like this? It should be evaluated properly…尹The background of the construction of the Syngman Rhee Memorial Hall, an official of the Presidential Office, emphasized directly
(7)From the right, founding President Syngman Rhee and President Yoon Suk Yeol ⓒNational Treasure of the President’s Office
(1)News Deskimage text translation
(2)Yoon Suk Yeol’s president was notified of his absence at the April 3 victims’ memorial service
(1)Breaking News 尹 Absence from April 3rd Memorial Ceremonyimage text translation
(2)I’m thinking about whether it’s appropriate to go to the president’s office or not
(3)Reporter Lee Sung-hwi
You won’t go to the bar you went to
As Tae Young-ho claimed, Yoon Suk Yeol is proof that Jeju 43 thinks it is North Korea’s order, and Yoon Suk Yeol says that Rhee Syng-man’s honor should be restored directly! As soon as the Minister of Patriots and Veterans Affairs was changed, the Syngman Rhee Memorial Hall was built, so you can never go to the Jeju 43 memorial service to restore Syngman Rhee’s honor. Syngman Rhee ordered the slaughter of Jeju residents
This kind of person is the president of Korea in 2023
image text translation
(1)Rhee Syngman in office 1948-1960image text translation
(2)The Provisional Government failed to dissolve and liquidate the Special Committee on Civilian Slaughter, including the April 3 Incident, Yeosun Incident, which was responsible for the division of impeachment
(3)Attempts to take power for life and the constitutional amendment to the central government’s political faction were made…
(1)Pro-Japanese activities even in the frame of the former governor of Gyeonggi-do Provinceimage text translation
(2)Driver registration 20200115 153305
(3)Suwon = = Newsis Reporter Park Daye = Wall of the conference room on the 4th floor of the new building of Gyeonggi-do Provincial Government on the 15th
(4)Pro-Japanese activities are displayed on frames of former governors displayed on the cotton
(5)20200115 Photo courtesy of Gyeonggi-do Photo newsiscom
I’m so compared to someone
Young people chose the country where they would live