image text translation
(1)D No Cut News
(2)Yoon Suk Yeol Hae-wook didn’t raise suspicions about Julie
(3)Cursed during XXX TV debate
(4)Choi Myung-guk, a reporter for Jeonbuk CBS
(5)INPUT 202331 1106 REVISED 202331 1257
(6)Jeonju-eul, Jeollabuk-do, runs for re-election
(7)an independent candidate from Gyeongsang Province
(8)abusive language during a debate on candidates for Jeonju MBC
image text translation
(1)D No Cut News
(2)abusive language
(3)The Yoon Suk Yeol is XXX
(4)Candidate Ahn Hae-wook, who is running for re-election in Jeonju, Jeollabuk-do, swore at the president of Yoon Suk Yeol during the Jeonju MBC candidate debateCapture Jeonju MBC YouTube
image text translation
(1)April 5 Jeonju-si, Jeollabuk-do, ran for re-election
(2)Independent candidate Ahn Hae-wook’s swearing at Yoon Suk Yeol’s president during a live TV debate is causing a stir
(3)Candidate Ahn suddenly cursed President Yoon at a candidate debate held at MBC in Jeonju on the 29th
(4)He said, “I am one of the three eagles with Baek Eun-jong, the head of Seoul’s Sori, and John Jung, the baptist,” adding, “They don’t say that either, but I always shout like this in front of the presidential office in Daeyongsan, Yongsan, and the Yoon Suk Yeol is XXX.”
(5)When the host asked him to refrain from using slang, he said he didn’t know what slang was
You punk!!!!! Totally agree