image text translation
(1)EP44 Department Specials
(2)PLEY EP44 Department Specialty
(3)Then I went to that department because I wanted to
(4)21 Department of EP44
(5)Which major did I want to major in
(6)PEP44 Department Specialty
(7)Business administration
(10)Sulpuli > EP44 Specialties
(12)It’s like common sense time
(13)PEP44 Department Specialty
(14)Eunyeong is going to eat a whole pizza
(15)Sulpuli > Department of EP44
(16)How do you take the most
(17)Sunple > EP44 Department Specials
(18)That’s what I think
(19)EP44 Department Specials
(20)The economy is les in
(21)P> EP44 Department Specials
(22)How evenly should we divide it
(23)Sulpul > EP44 Department Special
(24)It’s the study of thinking
(25)The department of EP44
(26)Oh, I’m pretty good
(27)Department of EP44
(28)Then out of the things you learned in the department
(29)EP44 Department Specials for New Products
(30)The useful knowledge I learned in economics is
(31)P> EP44 Department Specials
(32)There’s nothing in particular