What’s wrong with young girls these days

What's wrong with young girls these days

image text translation

(1)Wow, really right now!!I called him Chindor
(2)We were at a cafe and the seats were full
(3)The table next to me was for two people, and the lady in her 60s and
(4)He was drinking coffee and writing a diary
(5)But two young women, about 20 and a half seconds old, came in and saw that it was full, so they looked around and took it to the lady
(6)That cafe is a place where a lot of young people come, and even if I said it like that, “Can’t you stand up?” I didn’t get it wrong, but I looked at what I heard, and the lady turned red and looked flustered, and another girl said, “We have to hurry up and work, so please give me a hand.”
(7)They didn’t say anything and tried to organize their seats, so I was nosy about what I was talking about and the guy behind me helped me, so they didn’t go to the leader
(8)I thought they were surprised. I’ll calm them down and they’re weird
(9)I went to a cafe and asked where KT was and sat down
(10)Hamang, it’s so bad I guess I really don’t have a brain
(11)They don’t have a mother


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