A sensible younger brother who saves my sister

A sensible younger brother who saves my sister

image text translation

(1)I like it. My brother
(2)My ex-boyfriend cheated on me while we were dating, and I broke up after suffering from being stronger than Instagram. I cried and had a hard time all month
(3)But I got a call, so I ran to my younger brother and I!!!I got a call from my ex-boyfriend!!!!I told him to throw away his LOL and answer the phone, so he answered the phone and turned on the speaker, before his ex-boyfriend said something
(4)Honey, why would you pick up that ugly person’s phone
(5)I laughed and hung up the phone because I acted like this. It’s childish but I really like you
(6)Three, twelve, three
(7)Speaking Max
(8)I won’t make 2.2 million won. What’s wrong with you
(9)I just followed along in English
(10)I guess he gave me some pocket money

Oh! I need to give you allowance

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