image text translation
(1)- I went to the bathroom at the subway station because I had to go on a big date
(2)I mean, 100
(3)Viewed 17 hours ago 46417 · Current 35 ■ Instise App 2 ● 36
(4)This is the place where the thumb stands for the formation of a pan-end system
(5)Smart Safety
(6)This is the SMSalyzone bathroom
(7)Detecting illegal cameras
(8)[Laughing] [Laughing]
(9)He’s the only one who’s doing it
(10)Come on out
(11)My girlfriend texted me to come out quickly[Laughing] [Laughing]
(12)The picture I’m using is sitting alone, so I’m getting the king
(1)Detecting shooting camera
image text translation