image text translation
(1)Recording a real phone scammer phone call
(2)a telephone con artist
(3)At the scene of the arrest, he used a lot of fake bankbooks
(4)I confiscated his ID
(5)Unfortunately, among them, Kim ○○
(6)Woori Bank and Hana Bank
(7)It was confirmed together
(8)This sounds like a normal phone scammer impersonating an investigative agency
(9)There was another clever trick
(10)subtitle news
(11)Paul – Antispy
(12)Spy app detection and deletion tools
(13)It was a hacking app that was decorated like the National Police Agency’s anti-tapping app
(15)m218 010211 50dbbace-6319-404f-9708-26736405d5db
(16)0210211 50db3ace-6a19-434f-9708-20730405dbdb2019-04-11 150834 Allay of Seoul Lean Gamjatang
(17)2019-04-11 154945 Kookmin Bank 1R roll
(18)10 010221 50db8ace-6819-4846-9708-2b73b405dadb
(19)2019-04-11 15536 Kookmin Yunkyum 186km
(20)100198821001997 Od2e7ala-f4a8-4bf-bf2e-787ea30c7251 2019-04-11 180006 WANTONIDA for sale in Seoul
(21)2019-04-11 150017 Kookmin Bank 1580 mm
(22)108020-82101022 OdZdZala-f4e8-4b6f-bf2e-782ea30c7251 2019-04-11 153537 Seoul International Airport
(23)1001386210010211 50db8ace-6a19-464f-9708-2b73b405dadb 2019-04-11 163216 People are B1m-u2019-04-11 183819 People’s Box $Twen
(25)15 109120-821901021E S0dblace-6319-434f-9708-2573b105dadb 2019-04-11 170701 National Silver Point ISBN
(26)1501 100506 8210 01021190db8ace-6819-4841-9703-2b73b105dach 2019-04-11 121325 Kookmin Bank Litent
(27)15000 108038 8210 0103510d2e7ate-fla9-4b8f-bf28-782e830c7251 2019-04-11 1719391080-8210 0102976cbuccfe-f113-48b9-9cb-55913532963 2019-04-11 172845서울관광
(28)The Flagship 15770
(29)Mancococons And that iMe T70-7751 2010-M-1117-02416 If you fall into a scammer at Seoul Central University and install a malicious app, the 2019-04-111739 HRERJUNE victim is in the hands of the party 201904-IIII 383BLE
(30)Victims of malicious apps
(31)Call the actual number of the Seoul Central District Prosecutors’ Office with a phone infected with a malicious app
(32)I called him and he got a call from my registered phone
(33)They’re going to their pre-registered call center
(34)I manipulated it so that the phone could be connected
(35)Like this, to check with the actual institution for fraud
(36)Even if I make a call, they intercept everything
(37)Subtitle News SOCIAL
(38)Start time End time
(39)He could tap the victim’s daily life if he wanted to
(40)Period 0100000
(41)Start time S
(42)Victim’s daily conversation secretly recorded by a malicious app
(43)Victim Q
(44)I guess my name was stolen
(45)No, but
(46)Then I realized that they…
(47)You guys look like crooks
(48)Data screen YTN
(49)How do you want to report the victim to the police when you know the price
(50)One of the moats got a threatening call as soon as he left the police stationPrayer
(51)Subtitle News SOCIAL App Distribution Case Overview
(52)- Arrested a member of a telephone financial fraud organization impersonating Antispy Ann
(53)① Installing a remote control program
(54)② Malicious apps
(55)Server Management and Infection Devices
(56)Victim Information Center Information Collection Report
(57)The police are staying in China to catch the chief and other culprits
(58)I’ve asked the public security to cooperate
(59)②Malicious apps
(60)However, the damage of 6.1 billion won has already passed over China, making it difficult to recover
(61)Device information phone number Malicious app infected person
(62)It’s “Dae” CE