image text translation
(1)Many people don’t believe in walking 40km of Malamute dog owners
(2)They walk 250km a day in Malamute, so if you don’t do that much exercise, they get stressed out and their lifespan is reduced
(3)If you don’t like running, you can’t raise Malamute
(4)Or if you don’t live in a big yard
(5)Daily average of 393
(6)March 19 – March 25
(1)The vet’s spring potatoes taste goodimage text translation
(2)Amazing. I want to show it to our guests
(3)Good, 11
(4)New company, fhCS38
(5)You have to walk this much If I show it to you, the customers will be surprised
(6)National Police Agency liillt
(7)I’m cutting my life so I’m maintaining my Malamute life
(8)Good, four
(9)New company cleefarpel
(10)It’s hard even if it’s 10kg, but if you walk too much, you’ll get hurt later
(11)■ That’sounds good
(13)People are going to die first
(14)Good. 2
(1)With LG Electronics and ♬♪♬♪image text translation
(2)So, he called me Malamute
(3)□ Good, 22
(4)a person in charge of subcontracting
(5)[Laughing] [Laughing] one’s father
(6)Samil Accounting Corporation – ililijljji
(7)[Laughing] Malamute uses his phone, too
(8)Daebang Industrial Development eAjJ55
(9)new company lillilil
(10)Wow, show me Malamute, too
(11)Icubia Korea, by the way, HOXY
(12)Wow, I think your mind is so cool!!I like big dogs, too
(13)I can’t raise a big dog because I’m afraid it’ll make me unhappy, but I respect you!
(14)When you have time, please post pictures of puppies
a veterinarian who is satisfied with this