image text translation
(1)Three at 21
(2)Everyone, we’re going to steal the national sovereignty
(3)Why did you become a god
(4)Japan invaded us
(5)It’s a promise
(6)out of one’s mind
(7)Japan’s misdeeds
(8)Now, how many of them are you trying to commit a crime
image text translation
image text translation
(1)To Japan
(2)the degree of weak communication
(3)for what one has been subjected to
(5)Until the end, we’ll be in Japan
(7)Do I have to fight
(8)one micro
(9)Everyone, then
(10)It’s against us
(11)Midge is 1
image text translation
(1)There’s a new enemy
(2)God-ra was born again
(4)Play it WI
(5)It’s a threat to us
(6)Isn’t it China
(7)I’m going crazy. 31
(8)To prevent the threat from China and Russia
(9)out of one’s mind
image text translation
(1)Even if it’s the same as Japan, for the future
(2)a provocation of aggression
(3)I have no choice but to be a companion
(4)I don’t have any plating money
(5)in excess of
(6)Or hostile to Japan
image text translation
(1)Horses and Fess
(2)I don’t have to talk about Japan
(3)I’m scared. Why are you doing it
(4)the flag of decay
(5)To the point where it’s eaten by Japan
(6)the province of Rosirak
(7)The outbreak is weak
(8)Treaty of God and Zi
This is what Jeon Hae Gil, a famous Korean history instructor, said
Personally, I’m disappointed
To check the red people of the continent, Japan and
I can relate to 200 people who need to go out together
But I’m sorry for Japan. I can’t do thisIt’s that’s
I’m sorry. It could be a companion or something
I agree
The instructor said that we’re not weak
I’m sorry about Japan There’s no sound, so we don’t have to
You don’t need to give me a hand to be your partner first