Relieved Consumers by Marketing the Release of Contaminated Water in Japan…Controversy over the official letter of the Busan Metropolitan Government
Reporter Nam Hyung-do of Money Today announced 30 million won in marketing expenses to 20 companies, including seafood processing companies in Busan, and mentioned relieving anxiety among domestic seafood consumers…A Busan fisheries official said, “Don’t worry about marketing contaminated products.” The Busan Metropolitan Government announced that it should resolve consumer anxiety caused by the release of radioactive contaminated water from Japan’s nuclear power plant through marketing Contaminated water

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(1)An official of a fisheries processing company who received such a notice from the Busan Metropolitan Government
(2)He was despondent and said he would not apply for such a project
(3)The official said, “If Japan discharges radioactive contaminated water, it will be over,” adding, “I’m angry that we’re doing a business to support contaminated products through marketing without thinking of stopping them.”
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We need Mayor Park Hyung-joon’s example