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(1)I’m looking for “The Mokdong Family” that ate 137,000 won in broad daylight
(2)Seaweed plate input 2023325551 modified 20233250748
(3)March 5th, a restaurant in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul
(4)I don’t calculate 137,000 won for 5 people in a family
(5)The owner of the restaurant said, “I’m sorry that I went out calmly when paying for other customers.”
(6)At a restaurant in Yangcheon-gu, Seoul, an estimated family member left the restaurant without calculating the price of food Offered by your own
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(1)A total of five people, including a man and woman in their 50s, two men and a woman in their 20s, entered the restaurant on the 5th, and the owner of the restaurant is believed to be a family Offered by your own
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(1)An estimated 5 members of a family leave the restaurant with a time difference All of them left while other group guests paid