A story about a teacher you met when you were bullied.jpg

A story about a teacher you met when you were bullied.jpg

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(1)I am currently a college student
(2)When I meet my college friends and talk about my high school days
(3)There are times when you say, “Hey, how was your high school days?”
(4)Then, I always
(5)It was just normal or I just rode a motorcycle and took school classes lol
(6)That’s what I say
(7)But actually, I
(8)I was an outcast
(9)From now on, I won’t tell my close friend or lover
(10)It’s about my school days
(11)I was so short. I was 148 when I was in my third year of middle schoolAnd I was a bit fat. 148cm and 65kg
(12)Anyway, in middle school, there were some kids who bullied me, but I don’t remember being too strong
(13)But after high school, there’s usually one or two students in class
(14)You’re messing with these really weak-looking kids and making them bread shutters
(15)As I expected, I went up to the 10th grade and they started picking on me
(16)FYI, I’ve never lost a fight
(17)Because we’ve never had a bloody fight
(18)So I got hit by all the kids and I couldn’t resist, so I was a loser
(19)It turned out to be a bread shuttle
(20)If you look at the cartoons that are circulating on the Internet, you should take money from the real person
(21)There’s a lot of bread errands that tell them to come
(22)When I read such cartoons, I feel nostalgic
(23)Money was stolen almost every day, and when I gave it to him, he sold it
(24)You’re the first ones to hitches
(25)During break time or lunch time, if you’re bored, call the kids
(26)I really wanted to die
(27)And from the first day, my image became an outcast, so my friend
(28)I don’t have it

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(1)My school was a coeducational school and I was in a co-ed school
(2)I was so embarrassed to be beaten up in front of the girls
(3)When I came home after a day, my mom asked me if school was fun
(4)Yes! It’s really fun and I have a lot of friends!
(5)That’s what I say
(6)And I cry quietly alone at night
(7)My dad hurt his back and he’s staying at home. So, my mom
(8)I make money, I do housework
(9)Yes, in a word, it’s very poor;
(10)But my mom told me to buy delicious food with my friends a day
(11)I will give you 2,000 won each;
(12)The son of a man gives the money to someone else’s son
(13)Anyway, you’re a short, pig, and an outcast who can’t study
(14)Every day was hell for
(15)I couldn’t live a day
(16)I told my homeroom teacher
(17)My first year high school homeroom teacher was a man, but if I tell him
(18)I don’t know if the kids who tease me will stop I don’t want you to quit
(19)I thought that it would be less annoying
(20)I asked for personal counseling and told him everything
(21)I told him not to cry, but I cried a lot while consulting him
(22)At that time, my homeroom teacher comforted me by saying that he knew and trusted me
(23)My father hurt his back and he stays at home, so my mom makes money and does housework
(24)My homeroom teacher was a man, but if I tell that person
(25)I don’t know if the kids who tease me will stop I don’t want to quit
(26)I wasn’t going to cry, but I cried a lot while consulting
(27)I cried my eyes out
(28)My homeroom teacher said okay and encouraged me to trust him

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(1)By the way, shit [Laughing]
(2)I know what you did
(3)The kids who bullied me into the teacher’s room. If you put the kids in different classes together, it’ll be ten names
(4)He made up with me while calling me
(5)You guys don’t feel that way
(6)It feels like the only person I trusted disappoints me
(7)I told my homeroom teacher that I don’t have anything to tell my parents or friends
(8)I don’t know if the teacher’s hair is a bag
(9)You’re not gonna stand still because they’re trying to reconcile
(10)Of course, I was called that day and got beaten up; my glasses were broken;
(11)When I got home, I told my mom that I broke it while playing soccer
(12)Aside from hurting my body, I felt so bad for my mom
(13)Ma thinks his son is doing well at school
(14)How upset you would be if you knew the truth;
(15)That’s what I thought, but I could never tell my parents; I’d rather die
(16)Anyway, I lived a day. No, I endured it
(17)But as the days go by, their skills to bully me improve
(19)They tell me to spit and lick or drink toilet water
(20)I do everything I’m told ^오^
(21)Come to think of it, this life is worse than death;
(22)So I thought about killing myself
(23)But he didn’t even have the courage to kill himself
(24)You’re so brave. I killed myself. I feel sorry for my mom
(25)My son who’s not in is dead
(26)It reminded me of that, so I just endured it
(27)After a miserable year
(28)I’m in my second year of high school
(29)Gays who’ve been bullied will know
(30)The kids who bullied me after changing the half will bother me if they become in the other class
(31)He’s even coming to Livan
(32)And my friend who’s in my class is bothering me again
(33)I once told my homeroom teacher when I was in my second year of high school
(34)I told him to do whatever he wanted
(35)My homeroom teacher scolded me [Laughing]
(36)It was a female teacher
(37)He keeps coming to me with nothing and bothering me
(38)I’m sorry to bother you, but it’s too much
(40)Then what do you want me to do; <----- actually saying this; so I had a more miserable school life in my second year of high school like in my first year of high school
(41)But what’s amazing is that my mom was bullied when I was in high school
(42)I don’t know
(43)It’s amazing that I didn’t tell my mom while being beaten up
(44)My mom still doesn’t know
(45)What I couldn’t stand in my second year of high school was during lunch time
(46)I take all their school meals and bring them to their seats
(47)But there was a baby who didn’t like pumpkins
(48)My school lunch was curry and there was pumpkin in curry
(49)That’s what they do at school meals these days

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(1)As soon as you saw the curry, you hit me so hard! Oh, it’s pumpkin! You punk!! after
(2)I filtered all the pumpkins out on the classroom floor, sprinkled them, and stepped on some
(3)And then he told me to eat it
(4)I said, “Please, I can’t eat this.” And you beat me
(5)I was beaten up and I was crying, “Please let me off this once; I really can’t eat this.”
(6)You were hitting me like shit
(7)So I asked him if he ate it
(8)The floor in the classroom was a wooden floor, but the floor was so dirty
(9)It was so dirty before cleaning time;
(10)But he ate it all; he stepped on it;;
(11)And I went to the bathroom and threw up
(12)If they saw me throw up, I thought they’d tell me to throw up, so I came out quickly
(13)Even if I want to transfer, my family can’t afford to transfer
(14)There’s no excuse to transfer
(15)Because my mom thinks I’m doing well at school
(16)I didn’t want to live day by day, I wanted to be born again
(17)I’ve thought about dying many times, but I haven’t tried it like a fool
(18)Now the poor second grade is over and I am in third grade;;
(19)Since I’m in the 3rd grade, I’m thinking
(20)You guys can’t beat me because I’m preparing for college
(21)Pupils will study
(22)It was worse than when I was in 12th grade, but it wasn’t less
(23)Oh, that’s right. Let me introduce my homeroom teacher
(24)He was a man, but I don’t know his age But he’s so young when you look at him
(25)I’m in my mid to late 20s
(26)I think I’m 183cm tall
(27)As soon as the teacher took over our class, I heard something on the blackboard
(28)Write your name in big letters
(29)I wrote “Play” on the frame where I wrote my class motto
(30)They’re laughing so hard. What’s that? I’m saying this because you’re the teacher
(31)In high school, you have to play. Even if you study while playing, you can’t go to college
(32)Don’t waste your one and only school days on studying
(33)They said to make a lot of fun memories
(34)I was so sad to hear that
(35)Anyway, that senior high school teacher was very interested in the kids
(36)I’m in charge of P.E., but I want to do it whenever it’s P.E. class
(37)And for those who don’t want to work out, they develop their own prices
(38)We played a game together
(39)Even those who don’t like sports had a lot of fun
(40)All the kids loved the teacher
(41)The other classmates really liked our class teacher
(42)But I couldn’t get out of my life; genus
(43)Don’t you feel like you’re getting money from your mom to pay your kids;;
(44)You’re so stupid
(45)I didn’t bother you when I was a senior in high school, and I didn’t want to live another year like this
(46)I hated it so muchCrab
(47)I doubt how I survived for two years
(48)I was thinking about talking to my homeroom teacher
(49)He’s my favorite teacher
(50)I’ve already felt betrayed twice by these councillors
(51)I really didn’t want this homeroom teacher to betray me again
(52)So I decided not to say it
(53)In the morning, I get hit by a school, lunch time, and school during self-study time
(54)You get hit by a fire outside of school, you get hit by money in the evening
(55)When you get hit at home
(56)It was a repeat of this life

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(1)But one day
(2)My homeroom teacher asked me to come to the teacher’s office
(3)You told me to sit down
(4)He asked me why I didn’t write my dream in the student counseling paper
(5)I told you I don’t have a dream
(6)Then, I’ll be very friendly. OO, people need to have dreams! Teacher
(7)You’ll help me, so let’s think about it together
(8)That’s what he said
(9)You treat me so well
(10)This was the first favor I got from someone after I entered high school
(11)I cried because I was so emotional at the time. Like a loser
(12)The homeroom teacher was so embarrassed that he said OO. What’s wrong with you? If I did something wrong, I apologize. Don’t cry
(13)He didn’t know what to do;;
(14)I stopped crying and calmly told my homeroom teacher the hell I had been through for two years
(15)He wanted to die, and he thought about killing himself
(16)I told you everything and looked at the clock, and you said about an hour and a half
(17)But the funny thing is that it was after lunch and my homeroom teacher listened to me for an hour
(18)She didn’t cut me off in the middle, and a female student came to the teacher’s office and asked why the teacher wasn’t coming to the class, and everyone was out on the playground”Hurry up and come!”
(19)You guys played with each other and listened to me for an hour and a half
(20)After I finished my class and listened to my story
(21)My expression was so distorted;;
(22)I’ve never seen him so angry
(23)I was so scared that my legs were shaking. I used to be good at getting angry
(24)It’s even scarier when someone gets angry
(25)And my homeroom teacher took out the A4 paper
(26)They told me to write down all the kids who bullied you even a little bit
(27)I thought it was okay to write it down
(28)There were about 15 people. Including the other classmates
(29)Then, my homeroom teacher told me to go to class. He said he would do it on his own
(30)And the next day, I remember exactly that the third period was math class. My school had math class by level, and of course, I was in class C because I couldn’t believe it
(31)So, I was doing math class with my classmates, and all of a sudden, “Woo!”
(32)Teacher Lee came in
(33)I know what’s in your hand
(34)When you play billiards… You know the cute part, right? You bring it in and take a class
(35)To the teacher who’s doing it
(36)I’m sorry, teacher. I have some things to do
(37)The math teacher was so flustered that she said yes
(38)The homeroom teacher will speak in a low voice
(39)Kim OOO Park OOO Yoo OOO came out and said, “They’re the ones who bullied me
(40)As soon as I said it, all three of them got scared and went outside
(41)As soon as he left, the atmosphere of the class changed
(42)The math teacher is a woman because she’s scared. What’s going on? What’s going on
(43)It’s a bit messy
(44)Anyway, I looked outside the window and saw the guy who was called to the incinerator
(45)Three of them were lying down
(46)And then he beat me up
(47)The school room was on the 4th floor, but I could hear all the noise
(48)I can hear you screaming! Ugh! I could hear the teacher shouting
(49)The students in the next class are also looking through the class window and being a teacher
(50)I was at a loss what to do
(51)I’ll probably hit 20. I rememberAs
(52)As far as I remember, he fell down and hit his butt
(53)I remember hitting your thigh like crazy
(54)And I’ll take them down, and I’ll go up to the fourth floor, and I’ll take some of them
(55)He went and was angry;

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(1)He’s so good at slapping me
(2)I’ll go back up, bring 34 people, and beat them again
(3)I brought all of them and compared them, it was exactly 15 people I wrote
(4)First of all, they were on the verge of fainting. I saw them from afar and they were rolling around
(5)And the ambulance came and my homeroom teacher called me
(6)They came into our classroom carrying 15 people in turn
(7)Then, except for the class, all the classmates gather in our band
(8)I said it like this
(9)From number one, go out into the hallway and lie down in a line
(10)The children went out in a panic and fell on their stomachs
(11)We were in the same class, but we were all scared, so we all fell on our stomachs
(12)The homeroom teacher looked at the girls lying down
(13)Get out of here
(14)I said it like this. Sibal
(15)Of course I did
(16)He’s been hit one after another, and he’s probably hit three times per person
(17)Most kids got hit and fell out
(18)But he raised me up and hit me three times
(19)The sound you make while hitting me
(20)My friend! Bullying!! I’m going to get hit! We’s class!! What a bunch of punks!! District
(21)Kyungman! I’m doing it!!
(22)Your babies are human!!
(23)I think it was something like this
(24)Some were crying, others were watching with the windows open, and all the teachers were surprised and flustered
(25)But my homeroom teacher didn’t care and beat about 20 boys in a chic way
(26)And when it’s my turn to get hit, look at me
(27)You’re out
(28)That’s what I said
(29)Oh! I didn’t think it was right, but of course I thought it was stupid
(30)Three boys were beaten, and the girls were standing against the wall
(31)Lastly, he told me to lie down
(32)When I lied down, my homeroom teacher said
(33)You know, you’re a nerd, and you’re an outcast
(34)He said something and beat me
(35)I’ve been hit three times
(36)You’re shitty. It’s a good fit, but I’ve never thought about resisting
(37)You’re a man, you punk
(38)I actually said this I definitely heard it. I heard it was you punk
(39)I got hit by 67s and my face got round
(40)I saw them and said, “Hey, pack your bags and go home. My class is late night study hall today.”
(41)I don’t have it
(42)He threw me a cute wooden stick and went to the teacher’s office
(43)Then you want me to follow you
(44)When I went to the teacher’s room, my homeroom teacher smiled and said, “It hurts”
(45)I said I was sorry
(46)My homeroom teacher hit my head like this;Tooth
(47)And then I put him in the other car and took him somewhere
(48)It’s Wuansan Mountain, but he went to Anyang and took me to the gym
(49)You talked about this and that with the instructor
(50)They told me not to study late at night and go here
(51)Dam 3im paid for all the tuition for the month
(52)I don’t have a choice. I don’t want to do it

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(1)I thought the director and the homeroom teacher were friends; anyway, the homeroom teacher
(2)I started going around on fan day
(3)He didn’t teach boxing at the gym, he only taught jump rope and running, but even that was hard
(4)the next day after the event
(5)Of those 15, about five came to school and ten were hospitalized
(6)The five people who came to the school also had crutches and ventilation booths
(7)But what was really fascinating was that
(8)When I come to my class, the kids who got hit 3 times yesterday
(9)I didn’t even bother you, but you got hit yesterday
(10)I thought you’d treat me like this
(11)No, during the break, the kids surrounded me and did this and that
(12)I asked
(13)How hard it was and how it was
(14)The girls came and encouraged me to cheer me up
(15)Later, I heard that
(16)The homeroom teacher called all the parents before the 15 babies were born
(17)He asked for permission to pass
(18)And he paid for all their medical expenses
(19)I don’t know if it’s true or not;;
(20)Anyway, even those who were hospitalized were awkward with the homeroom teacher at first after being discharged
(21)After some time, we played around and had fun together
(22)And he never touched me
(23)I just have a habit when I’m at school, so I run to accept them
(24)He came and said, “I’m done. I’m going to eat now.”You can give it to me
(25)That’s what they said
(26)They didn’t clean the kids, they did it, and they just avoided me;;
(27)I was so happy to think that this life was over
(28)Since I don’t bother the kids, I have friends who talk to me
(29)And I’ve been boxing a lot while going to the whole time
(30)When you spar, you get hit by your opponent when you were bullied
(31)It hurt more than I knew
(32)I’ve been working out for 3 months. I’ve lost a lot of weight and height
(33)My teeth got bigger. I’m sorry
(34)When I work out, he comes to my homeroom gym and buys me chicken
(35)I ordered pizza and drinks
(36)And my homeroom teacher talked to me a lot;;
(37)And he asked me if I’d ever thought about my dream
(38)I said I would be a physical education teacher
(39)Of course, I wanted to be like my homeroom teacher
(40)And when you get home, search for how to become a physical education teacher
(41)I studied hard
(42)I think I have to go to the physical education department of the College of EducationVersus
(43)But I couldn’t study at all
(44)So I decided to retake the exam and quit the college entrance exam during the winter vacation
(45)I worked out during the season
(46)And I knew I would fail, so I wanted to see my college entrance exam next year
(47)I put in a high school application and took an examination test

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(1)I decided to retake the exam and quit the cram school and studied with the exercise
(2)It’s my first time studying math, and it’s really hard but fun
(3)And I don’t know if it’s because of exercise, but all my weight goes to my height
(4)So I’m 179cm tall and 63kg
(5)Anyway, I’ll retake the exam and get good grades
(6)I got a grade in physical education at a local university
(7)So I applied for it and got in
(8)And I had a great time in college and went to the army when I was old
(9)I had a great time after I was discharged from the army, and it’s already the day to take the appointment exam
(10)It is this Saturday
(11)I will be a PE teacher for sure Whether it’s retaking the college entrance exam or retaking the college entrance exam, I’m sure I’ll be successful
(12)Would all this have been possible if I hadn’t met my senior in high school
(13)When I think about that time again, I cry
(14)I was so thankful To that teacher
(15)He’s a real teacher that’s rare in Korea
(16)We keep in touch and have a drink together.k.a
(17)You always tease me
(18)I still teased you when you were in high school
(20)I’m so happy when I think about that time
(21)I didn’t express it, but I respect him the most
(22)Thank you so much for reading the long comments
(23)Kang Se-ho, thank you so much

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I met my homeroom teacher while being bullied

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