MZ communication was promoted, and the meeting of the Ministry of Labor was notified privately

MZ communication…Labor Department Meeting Notified in Private

The Ministry of Employment and Labor, which scheduled a meeting with the youth union consisting of young workers by promoting communication with the MZ generation, unilaterally turned the meeting private and caused controversy You said you’d listen to a young man’s voice…Meeting closed to the public


MZ communication was promoted, and the meeting of the Ministry of Labor was notified privately
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(1)Subscribe to No Cut News
(2)MZ communication…Labor Department Meeting Notified in Private
(3)Input 20230324 PM 528 Article ID
(4)Reporter Kim Jung-rok
(5)One is ⑤
(6)He said he would deliver the voices of young people directly to the minister
(7)The government’s attitude of listening to the conversion opinion behind closed doors was correct, and the minister’s meeting was delayed 40 minutes before the start of the meeting, and a surprise demonstration of young workers at Minister Lee’s venue on the 15th
(8)Even if the youth union’s working hours are flexible, on an average of 40 hours a week

Is it because you didn’t practice customized scenarios


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