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You’re good at Yoon Suk Yeol!! a region with a rising approval rating


You're good at Yoon Suk Yeol!! a region with a rising approval rating

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(1)Opinion poll 尹 Presidential approval rating rose slightly by 371…sixty years of age
(2)Top TK Ratings Gathering
(3)Article Input 0600 Last Modified on March 22, 2023 1400 on March 22, 2023
(4)NewsFim and R&Search regular poll negative evaluation 59
(5)Support rate over 60 increased by 58p TK is 95p↑
(6)Seoul = News Pim Reporter Song Ki-wook = A poll showed on the 22nd that the approval rating of President Yoon Suk Yeol, who had fallen sharply last week, rose slightly and remained in the late 30s
(7)President Yoon’s approval rating was 371, up 1p from last week’s survey, according to a survey conducted by polling agency R&Search on 1,014 men and women aged 18 or older nationwide from the 19th to the 20th at the request of the comprehensive news agency Newsfim
(8)national approval rating
(10)△ Period 2023319-202 days △ Survey method 100 wireless automatic response △ 1014 men and women aged 18 or older nationwide Sample sampling Age 95 Confidence level ±31p △ Response rate 28 △ Survey agency’s requestor JuR & Surchijou Newsim △ weighted value based on the Ministry of Public Administration and Security’s resident registration △ central news website
(11)The negative rating fell 25p to 59 The unknown response is 39 The gap between positive and negative evaluations is 219p


You're good at Yoon Suk Yeol!! a region with a rising approval rating
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(1)hurray for the independence of Korea

What a pair of dogs that don’t let you down

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