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500,000 young people resting at home


500,000 young people resting at home

image text translation

(1)Do nothing and just rest.
(2)Half a million won for young men.
(3)Input 20230320 PM 557
(4)Reporter Yoo Hyun-wook.
(5)1 family.
(6)Analysis of the economically inactive population in December
(7)If I rested, I would increase by 99, the biggest ever.
(8)Not looking for a job, not preparing for a job, lethargy.
(9)Seoul Economy
(10)Mr. A, who is in his late 20s, has failed to get a job for the past year. He said, “The longer the job preparation period, the more confident I am.

500,000 young people resting at home

image text translation

(1)young people who answered that they took a break without looking for a job.
(2)Unit 10,000 people
(3)※ As of February every year, the National Statistical Office of the National Statistical Office, KOSTS.

500,000 young people resting at home

image text translation

(1)According to the National Statistical Office’s national statistics portal KOSIS on the 20th, 2.
(2)The number of young people who answered, “Among the economically inactive and unemployed people who are not employed or unemployed per month,” was 497, up 99 from a year ago, the largest since statistics were compiled in January 2003.
(3)The economically inactive population who are not employed and are not unemployed actively seeking jobs is classified into childcare, housework, study, mental and physical disabilities, and others by activity status. It literally means that I just rested because it is a concept that distinguishes me from preparing for employment, preparing to go to school, and waiting to join the military.

Small town population is playing.

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