image text translation
(1)There’s no legal problem with this.
(2)Korea Electric Power Corporation wants to have a party.
(3)The auditor took a hidden camera for the purpose of monitoring absenteeism and tardiness.
(4)I wrote down the picture because I thought it would be a problem.
(5)Auditor General Window for Monitoring Employee Absenteeism and Absenteeism
(6)Filming a hidden camera of a worker outside.
(7)ⓐ a public official
(8)a public corporation lounge
(9)affiliated company
(10)Civil servants of the Republic of Korea
KEPCO’s audit office filmed a hidden camera to monitor absenteeism and tardiness.
image text translation
(1)Korea Electric Power Corporation ★ lilli!!!
(2)You cut the front and back and put it on the outside.
(3)The shift guy sleeps at night, so he’s out there collecting evidence.
(4)Regardless of whether it’s a problem or not, if you just write it like that, you
(5)You’ll think I did something wrong.
(6)Good, 10.
It’s a mistake to sleep, but it’s also a mistake to shoot a hidden camera. It’s illegal, etc. to get taller.