image text translation
(1)Subscribing to V
(2)Seoul Newspaper
(3)Captain Lee Geun, youtuber after the first trial.
(4)Punch him in the face.
(5)Input 20230320 PM 107
(6)Reporter Shin Jin-ho.
(7)1 family.
(8)Cursing and assaulting YouTubers who followed and bombarded with questions.
image text translation
(1)Former Captain Lee Geun’s assault on YouTubers – Former Captain Lee Geun, who participated in the Ukrainian War, clashed with YouTubers after attending the first hearing on charges of violating the passport law and injuring his escape at the Seoul Central District Court in Seocho-gu, Seoul on the morning of the 20th. Foot-and-mouth disease capture on YouTube.
(2)When the foot-and-mouth disease followed former Captain Lee Geun, who came out of court, “I’ve been a credit delinquent for six years, I asked my creditor repeatedly if I was sorry, and Lee Geun hit A in the face with his fist with a swear word to wear x.”
(3)Foot-and-mouth disease called 112 on the spot and reported the assault damage to the police.
(4)Foot-and-mouth disease followed Lee Geun, a former captain who left the court building, and pushed into his cell phone, asking if he felt sorry for assaulting me in court.
(5)In response, former Captain Lee Geun cursed again and hit the foot-and-mouth disease cell phone with his hand and dropped it on the ground.
(6)Foot-and-mouth disease has usually raised various suspicions about Lee Geun on YouTube. Former captain Lee Geun also criticized him on his YouTube channel, saying, “The bailiff continues to spread false information.”
Violence is the last thing.