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What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg


What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)Blavla 13-hour civil servant, Triti.
(2)What do you want to say to 9th grade juniors?
(3)I write it with the feeling of throwing up blood, ready to be sued.
(4)I’m level 8 going to Seoul.
(5)I want to give advice to new 9th graders.
(6)Never buy coffee or food.
(7)I played pizza and outback at the same time.No one asked me to do it. I was proud to be a civil servant, and I did it voluntarily. And after that, I bought a few meals and tried to maintain such a good relationship.
(8)But after that, I had a chance to eat again. Since I bought a lot, it’s common sense for him to pay once. I’m never going to. He said he was going to go to the bathroom in front of the cashier.
(9)After seeing that, I felt disillusioned and humiliated, so I never buy food and go to drinking parties because I’m disgusted.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)2. Don’t run out of congratulatory money.
(2)Those who were in the same department, congratulatory expenses, maternal grandparents, grandparents, and weddings, and I gave birthday presents and packed everything.
(3)But it was my birthday in early March, and I checked the notification on Kakao Talk that it was my birthday, but there was no word.
(4)And I got married at the beginning of the year, and there are only three congratulatory messages, 20 or 30 congratulatory messages, and the congratulatory money was up to 100,000 won, but who pays 30,000 won these days? My hands trembled with betrayal and shock.
(5)3 Do not do me a favor.
(6)Ever since I got into office, I think it’s my reputation to be nice to people, so I’ve done everything I’ve asked for a favor. I did everything that was blocked by Excel, and I asked him if there was any difficulty with the system.
(7)I didn’t think about the price. I didn’t do it for a price, but I thought it was enough if he appreciated me.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)But one day, my wife was sick, so I rushed to Wednesday night.
(2)I had to change my security duty. So I asked 7 members of our department, and they all said no. I held it in.
(3)One day, while I was drinking coffee at a company cafe, I heard a coffee drinker with me say that I’m a slave who does everything some of my colleagues tell me that I’m too much of a pushover.
(4)When I heard that, I was so shocked that I couldn’t get things done all day. I had half a day off and came home and cried all day.
(5)Of course, there are many good people in the civil service society. I’m not acting in good faith for a price, but it’s going to last only if there’s something that comes back unconsciously, but maybe because I’m paid less, there are a lot of things that are really annoying in terms of spending and personality.
(6)He’s a good personality he’s had since he was a kid, but he’s been cut here. If you’re new to level 9, please don’t do any favors. If you’re in the early eighth grade like me, you’ll be disappointed and disillusioned with disgust.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)I’ve said something based on my experience.
(2)Please keep that in mind. If you can relate to it,
(3)Please leave a comment that you can relate to.
(4)Thank you.
(5)SALTRAIN x blind Limited Edition Dental Care Product Released!
(6)How to solve a headache, wine, and hangover…
(7)Now, I’m going to check the blind higher.
(8)View Reputation Lookup Details
(9)Yes, let’s move on to the last comment in an hour later.
(10)Korea Exchange (KRX) paegi
(11)Good writing lol It’s meaningless to take care of a black-haired beast.
(12)No, except for my family.
(13)Good, 43.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)Civil servant ili!!!!i
(2)Lol what I realized in my new third month
(3)If you work hard, you’ll get more work to do. Compliments.
(4)There’s no hard work. Oh, he’s doing everything. Mine, too.
(5)On the other hand, even if I don’t, this organization somehow…
(6)My boss didn’t pay me or I didn’t get fired.
(7)There are many ways to make it without cutting it.
(8)Rumors are fast, so you can understand the word thin and long.
(9)Good, 22.
(10)Pusan National University faculty · _S-x-
(11)If you do it, this job, that job, that job, that job, that’s mine.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)Hyundai Department Store akaheendy
(2)Civil servants don’t answer.
(3)Ministry of Environment illillill
(4)Downward leveling after Moon Jae-in
(5)I cry for more than 10 years since I was popular.
(6)Good. 7.
(7)Official ZZVZXCV
(8)But if you don’t act affectionately, it’s going to be a shame.
(9)Pharmacist – ill!!!!!!
(10)It’s not something you should say to all office workers, not a 9th grade junior lol.
(11)Government employee j
(12)Don’t do me a favor. That’s the right thing to say.
(13)If you do well 100 times and don’t do well once, you’ll get a reputation.
(14)On the other hand, if you’re a 100 times feisty and nice, that’s good for you.
(15)It’s a reputation here to be a man.
(16)Good, two.

What civil servants want to say to their juniors jpg

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(1)civil servant liillll
(2)You care about the reputation. See? I’m not good at exaggerating.
(3)No one’s been touching me since I smoked in the car, saying, “You should drive while smoking.”
(4)Good, 10.
(5)Government employee il!!iill!j
(6)LOL. That’s so sweet. LOL.
(7)Civil Servant bGkz64
(8)S and B(Laughs)That’s so funny.
(9)Korea Workers’ Compensation and Welfare Service
(12)LOL. That’s hilarious. LOL.

I think it’s possible even if you’re not a civil servant.

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