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Changes to the mandatory wearing of indoor masks 320 implemented.


Changes to the mandatory wearing of indoor masks 320 implemented.

Changes to the mandatory wearing of indoor masks 320 implemented.
image text translation

(1)○ Obligation to wear indoor masks Maintenance facilities Collectively delete public transportation means
(2)■ Admission-type facilities among infectious disease-prone facilities
(3)Excepted places: Office buildings, dormitories, etc. that do not require residents to enter or where the zones are classified by floors;
(4)1 Nursing hospitals and long-term care institutions
(5)○ a nursing hospital under section 3 of the Medical Service Act
(6)○ Among long-term care institutions under Article 2 of the Elderly Long-Term Care Insurance Act, admission-type service provision facilities and elderly care facilities for the elderly.Day and night protection institutions for both communal living families Short-term protection institutions
(7)2 Mental health promotion facilities
(8)정신 Mental medical institutions with closed wards under Article 3 of the Mental Health Welfare Act hereinafter referred to as the Mental Health Welfare Act on the Promotion of Mental Health and Support for Welfare Services for Persons with Mental Disorders.
(9)Among the institutions with closed wards of excluded facilities, the number of beds for mentally ill patients is less than 50/100 of the total number of approved beds.
(10)○ Mental care facilities under Article 3 of the Mental Health and Welfare Act
(11)○ Among mental rehabilitation facilities under Article 3 of the Mental Health and Welfare Act, residential facilities with more than 10 people, living facilities with more than 10 people, community conversion facilities, rehabilitation facilities for addicts, admission facilities.
(12)Excluding facilities, the number of households with less than 10 people, non-entry facilities, weekly rehabilitation facilities, vocational rehabilitation facilities, children’s mental health support facilities, product sales facilities, comprehensive facilities, non-entry facilities.
(13)3 Welfare facilities for the disabled
(14)h Among welfare facilities for the disabled under Article 58 of the Welfare of Persons with Disabilities Act, residential facilities for persons with disabilities Shelter for children with disabilities with disabilities
(15)Excluded facilities Community rehabilitation facilities Vocational rehabilitation facilities Medical rehabilitation facilities Product sales facilities
(16)■ Medical institutions under Article 3 of the Medical Service Act
(17)Excepted areas are divided into single buildings or floors that do not require access by users, such as office buildings, research buildings, dormitories, etc.
(18)h Including health centers, health centers, etc. under Article 31 of the Regional Health Act, health centers, and health clinics under Article 2 of the Act on Special Measures for Health Care in Rural Areas, etc.
(19)■ Pharmacy under Article 2 of the Pharmaceutical Affairs Act
(20)○ Exception of fine imposition Addition related to open pharmacies in large facilities
(21)When using open pharmacies in large facilities such as marts, department stores, and stations without walls or barriers;

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