The reason why you should go with people who have similar tendencies when traveling is jpg.

The reason why you should go with people who have similar tendencies when traveling is jpg.

image text translation

(1)a bunch of returns
(2)Bureau of the Seven Years Postal Service
(3)Oh, I don’t look at them properly.
(4)a bunch of returns
(5)7 years of friendship in Korea.
(6)a definite cultural journey
(7)Monple Returns Hannams VS Younger ones. 7 years of friendship in Korea.
(8)But where are you going to go?
(9)Back phone returns. HANNAMS vs. YOUNGHOONS.
(10)the prelude to the Seven Years of Postal Service
(11)It’s called Injeolmi Meg because they’re going to buy crackers.
(12)”Z” VS “Younger ones”.
(13)Seven Years of Friendship Korea’s Prelude
(14)I just pass by the cafe.
(15)Boys VS Younger ones.
(16)7 years of Postal Service.
(17)The person who bought the drink…
(18)It’s coming up there.
(19)the prelude
(20)Mont please A
(21)7-Year Friendship Book of Korea
(22)This isn’t a trip. x2
(23)7 Postal Service
(24)travel style
(25)The older members and the younger ones who don’t get along.
(26)Blue guys vs younger ones.
(27)Korea’s seven-year friendship
(28)I just took pictures of Jangcheon day and night!
(29)St. Polytex
(30)I don’t care. I’m into pictures.
(31)Buzz vs. Younger brother group.
(32)Seven Years of Friendship in Korea
(33)I’m thirsty.
(34)The people who went to buy water…
(35)Boys vs. younger brothers.
(36)I’m removing it.
(37)17 Years of U.S. State Affairs
(38)Order a drink in 30 minutes.
(39)There are so many lyrics.
(40)I’m not walking around.
(41)Hyungdon and Junghwan came out first.
(42)Unexpected Returns CAS FA7 Years of Friendship in Korea
(43)With the outer cancer team…
(44)We have to move now.
(45)”Hangnies” VS “Younger ones.
(46)Other members are shopping.
(48)7 Woosung of Korea.
(49)How can I pass the souvenir bill?
(50)Montplise A7 Postal Service
(51)After sightseeing,
(52)They’re always busy shopping.
(53)BERIBA VS REA17 Friendship in Korea.
(54)Let’s think it’s the last one.
(55)Look. Are you walking around?
(56)7-Year Friendship of Korea
(57)a sharply divided style of travel
(58)Moppon Returns
(59)We need to be on the same wavelength for a free trip.
(60)Mobile Phone Returns HANNAMS VS. Younger sister/brother
(61)We’re not on the same wavelength.
(62)Park Jungseo of the 707 Postal Service of Moongple Returns.
(63)You always make people wait.
(64)7 Years of Friendship in Korea
(65)Yongman Sungjoo who comes out of shopping.
(66)Friendship: The Prelude to Korea
(67)It came out now.
(68)7 years of friendship with Munchon Returns. Sunny VS Younger ones in Korea.
(69)two people walking the other way
(70)Hannams vs.
(71)Political situation
(72)Moongtteun Reese 7 Friendship Prelude to Korea
(73)Where the Dragon Warrior is headed
(74)Heize vs Younger ones.
(75)Next to Casa Batyo.
(76)a 200-year-old chocolate shop
(77)Free Lens ANG A7 Prelude to the Post Office
(78)a tourist hot place
(79)You can’t walk past a house like this.
(80)Tusages vs Dong7 years of friendship, etc. Pleasure.
(81)They need to buy a present, too.
(82)Complaints vs.
(83)It’s not here anymore.
(84)Since I’m not coming here again.
(85)Needs vs.
(86)a seven-year post office
(87)Man is going crazy.
(88)There’s a spare part over there.
(90)Come quickly.
(91)What do you mean?
(93)7 years of friendship in Korea.
(94)without doing anything
(96)What are you doing next door?
(97)It’s a chocolate that’s 1,200 years old.
(98)the 200th year of the family
(99)It’s a 200 year family.
(100)It’s a collet that’s 200 years old.
(102)It’s been 200 years.
(103)It’s the same if you eat it.
(104)The chocolate is thick.
(105)Seven Years of the MoPon Returns
(106)Korea’s prelude, Jungwoo.
(107)Why don’t we go first?
(108)Hangnies VS Younger ones.
(109)Ask JUNG HWAN.
(110)It’s JUNG HWAN.
(111)Friendship Korea’s Bureau
(112)Younger brothers leaving for Casa Mila first.
(114)Do we have to wait for everything we buy?
(115)Seven Years of Postal Service
(116)Here’s chocolate.
(117)”Mont please.
(118)Flat Returns AVS 122
(119)7 Postal Service
(120)The first day, we had a fight.
(121)While they were watching Casa Mila,
(122)Seven Years of Friendship Korea’s Prelude
(123)Even if I buy this…
(124)I hope you don’t mind.
(125)Friendship in Korea.
(126)Kim Sungjoo, why would you come all the way here if you’re going to do that?
(127)Fretons TA
(128)If you’re on a trip,
(129)If you’re on a trip, you need to relax.
(130)Prelude to Korea 7 Years Ago
(131)I’m just hungry.
(132)Dongfon Returns
(133)the State Administration
(134)I’m just saying I’m hungry.
(135)We’re done looking around.
(136)”Seung-Phone Returns” VS “Dong-saeng.”
(138)He’s not talking.
(139)Hurry up and look at this. Casa Millet.
(140)Moppon Returns s-Gau Jung Kook
(141)You can’t look at it like this either.
(142)the prelude to the Post Office
(143)We watched it all on our own.
(144)Hi-Z vs Younger ones.
(145)No, if you’re going to look at it like this,
(147)Younger brother, please come in.
(148)If I’m going shopping, I just go shopping.

The reason why you should go with people who have similar tendencies when traveling is jpg.

image text translation

(1)as if one were going to die
(2)Let’s take a picture.
(3)Couple Returns Hannams vs. Younger ones.
(4)the prelude to the 17th year of the Postal Service.
(5)When will we be back here again?
(6)Hangnies VS Younger ones.
(7)Seven Years of Friendship Korea’s Prelude
(8)Look around as if it’s the last time.

If you have different tendencies, you might fall out on a trip.

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