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Yoon Suk Yeol It’s a huge accident.


Yoon Suk Yeol It's a huge accident.

image text translation

(1)President Yoon Cites Joseon’s Disdainist and Shouts “To the Future”
(2)Input 20230317 PM 909 Modification 20230317 PM 935 Article ID
(3)Reporter Lim Jae-woo.
(4)1 family.
(5)Criticizing the President`s Perception of History
(6)Korea-Japan Future Generation Lecture
(7)President Yoon Suk Yeol, who is visiting Japan, gives a lecture to Japanese students at a lecture on the future generation of Korea and Japan at Keio University in Tokyo on the 17th. Yonhap News Agency
(8)President Yoon Suk Yeol spoke at Keio University in Japan and said, “It was criticized that he cited the remarks of an aggressor who claimed that Joseon was originally Japanese territory.
(9)President Yoon visited Keio University in Japan on the second day of his visit on the 17th and gave a speech in front of 170 university students. President Yoon quoted the Meiji era thinker Okakura Denshin 1862-1913 as saying, “What Korea and Japan need is courage to create a better future.”
(10)In response, Ha Jong-moon, a professor of Japanese studies at Hanshin University, told , “Okakura Denshin is a typical Korean despotism and aggression theory and an active supporter of colonial rule.”
(11)In fact, Okakura wrote in “The Awakening of Japan” published in 1904, “It is thought that the Joseon Peninsula was originally a colony of Japan. According to the best legend of our country, the younger brother of Amaterasu Omikami is said to have settled in Joseon, and the country’s first king Dangun was his child, according to a historian’s view.
(12)”Our chronology has been filled with records of colonial protection for 500 years until the 8th century,” the book said. “The Joseon news agency of the Edo period sent envoys to pay tribute to Tokugawa Shogun every time he was appointed. If any enemy occupies the Korean Peninsula, it could easily send troops to Japan, just like the non-Japanese heart.”
(13)Professor Ha pointed out, “It deserves to be criticized as an example that clearly showed the president and his aides’ historical awareness and problems in Japanese perspective.”

Even if I’m crazy, I’m totally crazy.

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