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(1)General Air Force pilot officer <- This is legendary.
(2)Inquiry 4888 Comment 38↓
(3)My unit has separate accommodations for single pilots.
(4)It’s a place where lieutenant to lieutenant reside, but it’s decorated like a colonel.
(5)Because when you and the pilots talk, if you have something to say,
(6)The bed’s too hard for me to apply for a flight mission because I can’t sleep well.Then the leader calls the operational backup commander right away and tells him to change the bed.
(7)Now, we’re going to call the supply squadron commander and welfare squadron commander to the general’s office.
(8)Then, even the strongest supply squadron supervisor in the neighborhood can’t get a direct order, so colonel-level furnishings enter the pilot’s office with a new plastic bag.
(9)Even if the Air Force is a military servant for pilots, sometimes I think that this is a medieval territory, so there are lords and knights, and we are serfs.
(10)Search what OOO wrote.
(1)The General Air Force is the Middle Ages itself.image text translation
(2)Look up 1199 comments 22v
(3)The front-seat fighter pilots are…
(4)They’re aristocratic knights fighting in armor on horseback.
(5)Seeds that perform rear seats or rotor blades
(6)All the other lanterns are old-fashioned.
(7)Ah, the artillery is like a mercenary group.
(8)Search what OOO wrote.