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What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.


What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)The internal turmoil is growing. Mr. A has attended JMS Church since birth.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Because my parents met at JMS and made a family.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)In JMS, the so-called “family bureau II”

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)It’s pure blood.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Mr. A, the second generation of JMS
(3)If you show the number 316 to communicate with God,
(4)You’ll be connected to God. What’s 316? 316 is Jung Myungseok’s birthday.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Recently, I decided to leave the church because I was confused and had a conflict with my parents.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Mr. A, the second generation of JMS
(3)I thought that I lost faith in Jeong Myeongseok.
(4)I think he’s feeling despair.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)The church says the content of the controversial documentary is false and distorted.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Mr. A, the second generation of JMS
(3)The transcript was a voice manipulation, and when I went to the interview, it wasn’t a voice manipulation.
(4)Even if it is true, it is an expression of God’s love based on spirit and love.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)For some believers, Jeong Myeong-seok is still a god.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)To be honest, I think it’s a messiah.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)I’m not 2 years old. I’m 17 years old.
(3)Other than me, about 20 people were all 2 years old. 5
(4)When you play games, it’s hard to make friends because you think your brain is being spiritually chewed by Satan, and you’re guilty of media and entertainment in the world.
(5)For those who went in later, how did they get in?
(6)The second generation has almost all human relationships connected to the church.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)I declare it’s earliest convenience
(2)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(3)After listening to the recorded version, I was shocked that my life was denied, and I thought about quitting. I don’t know how to tell my parents and how to get out of it because there are so many people around me right now.
(4)It’s often closed from the outside.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Mr. B, 2nd generation member of JMS
(3)Don’t even listen. If anyone says to watch, it’s Satan’s temptation.
(4)In fact, don’t even think about it and look at it. You’ll get shot in the soul.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)I’m afraid I’ll be harmed by the believers who leave the church.

What was just reported in the news in an interview with JMS II.

image text translation

(1)Close-up camera. JMS Church is…
(2)Mr. B, 2nd generation member of JMS
(3)Before it was uploaded, there was a JMS insider who could even watch Netflix contents and edited versions…I was wondering if it was possible, and that expression really came out.

Before the Netflix documentary was uploaded, the edited version was available through JMS insiders.

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