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Tear Glory


Tear Glory

image text translation

(1)Former Chief of Staff Lee Jae-myung, Mr. Jeon Lee’s side
(2)I’m left out by my roots.
(3)Reporter Bae Soo-ah.
(4)Mundong is Song Hye-kyo.
(5)For you who will fall For me who will fall
(6)Netflix series
(7)ONLY ON NETFLIX 112월 30일
(8)March 2023.

Tear Glory

image text translation

(1)Mr. Jeon hired a lot of preferential treatment when he was acting president.
(2)The lobby reportedly refused to accept a single request, saying that it would be someone to the company. An acquaintance of Jeon said, “I understand that he turned his back around Jeon a lot at the time,” adding, “Jeon was a great personality and he knew what the dignity of a gentleman was.”
(3)Former President Lee Hun-wook was not on good terms with the GH labor union at the time, but Jeon reportedly became more distant from Lee and other close aides of CEO Lee as he raised questions about Lee’s way of responding to the union.
(4)A GH official said, “I understand that representative Lee’s aides rejected Jeon’s absence from the camp and that he did not want to join the camp that much.”
(5)Lee’s aides joined the camp one after another when Lee ran as a Democratic presidential candidate last year, but Jeon remained at the GH without going to the camp.

Tear Glory

image text translation

(1)Jun Hyungsoo’s suicide note is written to CEO Jaemyung
(2)”Put down politics now.
(3)Regarding the ongoing prosecution investigation,
(4)You know that you’re responsible.
(5)”I did what I was given as a civil servant.
(6)The prosecution’s investigation is unfair.
(7)The sacrifices of the people you’ve worked with…
(8)There should be no more.
(9)Take care of the people around you.
(10)In Jeon’s own will, he wrote, “Neighborhood Inseonggyo.”
(11)”Please order beef well”.
(12)Input 20230311 PM 708 Modify 20230311 PM 748
(13)1 gat.T
(14)Good luck on your personality training.
(15)Related to Lee Jae-myung
(16)They want us to teach our close friends well.
(17)Why are you leaving after making me work?



#51060;#51116;#47749; #51204; #48708;#49436;#49892;#51109; #51204;#47784;#50472; #63969;#52769;#44540;#46308;#47196;#48512;#53552; #49548;#50808;#45817;#54644;

9#51068; #49704;#51652; #52292; #48156;#44204;#46108; #51060;#51116;#47749; #45908;#48520;#50612;#48124;#51452;#45817; #45824;#54364;#51032; #44221;#44592;#51648;#49324; #49884;#51208; #52488;#45824; #48708;#49436;#49892;#51109; #51204;#47784;#50472;#44032; #44221;#44592;#51452;#53469;#46020;#49884;#44277;#49324;GH #51116;#51649; #45817;#49884; #51060; #45824;#54364; #52769;#44540;#46308;#47196;#48512;#53552; #49548;#50808;#47484; #45817;#54620; #44163;#51004;#47196; #50508;#47140;#51276;#45796; #51204;#50472;#44032; #49704;#51648;#47732;#49436; #45224;#44596; #50976;#49436;#50640;#45716; #51060; #45824;#54364;#44032; #51649;


#49324;#47581;#54620; #51204;#50472;#45716; #51060;#51116;#47749; #52769;#44540;#46308;#51060; #48512;#53441;#54620; #52712;#50629; #53945;#54812;#50752; #52397;#53441;#51012; #44144;#51208;#54664;#45796;

#46608;#54620; #51060;#51116;#47749; #52769;#44540;#46308;#51060; #44221;#44592;#51452;#53469;#46020;#49884;#44277;#49324; #51649;#50896;#46308;#50640;#44172; #44049;#51656;#54620;#45796;#47728; #51204;#50472;#45716; #54637;#51032;#54616;#44256; #47928;#51228;#47484; #51228;#44592;#54664;#45796;

#44536;#47084;#51088; #51060;#51116;#47749;#44284; #52769;#44540;#46308;#51008; #49324;#47581;#54620; #51204;#50472;#47484; #46384;#46028;#47532;#44256; #51665;#45800;#51004;#47196; #44340;#47213;#54804;#45796;

Tear Glory
image text translation

(1)Subscribe to ISBS
(2)Lee Jae-myung paid his respects to the former chief of staff’s rejection of the bereaved family in seven hours.
(3)Input 20230310 PM 1132 Correction 20250311 AM 2720 Article text
(4)Han Sung-hee, a reporter.
(5)one house ⑤
(6)Lee Jae-myung SBS News 12694 paid his respects to the former chief of staff’s rejection of the bereaved family in seven hours.
(7)The subtitles are automatic.

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