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What’s going on with the boy and fisherman in the “Human Theater”?


What's going on with the boy and fisherman in the "Human Theater"?

image text translation

(1)a boy fisherman who followed his father on a boat.
(2)Everyone has to work that much when they go on a lot of work.
(4)There’s nothing special about living.
(5)There are plenty of silly comments.
(6)The reason why Park Seo-jin became a young fisherman at the age of 17.
(7)My mom was on a boat with my dad.
(8)Because he was diagnosed with stage 3 cervical cancer.
(9)”My mom who was riding a boat with my dad
(10)To pay for my mother’s treatment,
(11)After dropping out of high school, I decided to help my father.
(12)Trot boy.
(13)She recently got a song from Na Hoon-a and made a comeback.
(14)Fighter Na Hoon-a and Park Seo-jin met.
(15)The new song will be released on the 3rd.
(16)Composed by Jeong Kyeong-cheon and written by Na Hoon-a.
(17)At first, I thought it was someone with the same name.
(18)Teacher Na Hoon-a said,
(19)I knew that I wrote the lyrics.
(20)I almost cried.
(21)I’m making donations.
(22)the 15th Point of Donation
(23)In Park Seojin’s name,
(24)Donate to the Milal Welfare Foundation.
(25)It’s “Grummom”.
(27)above the deadline
(29)”Cabio x Gruemom.”
(31)a single marriage with a single parent.
(32)Queueum Park Seojin and Dotbyeol.
(33)Real animal lover!
(34)From abandoned dogs to dogs ♥ December 16, 22
(35)Park Seojin, one ton.
(36)Sungkwang Scholarship Society
(37)Park Seo Scholarship Jin
(38)Sijaecheon, a re-development scholarship foundation
(39)Scholarship fund deposit of 1,000 won
(41)a true singer
(42)Park Seo-jin’s difficult environment has a strong influence on students.


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