If a whale swallows a person,

If a whale swallows a person,

If a whale swallows a person,
image text translation

(1)First, whales swallow people.
(2)There’s never been a case of stomach trouble, at least on record.
(3)Ben Satuck, a famous American contributor,
(4)The largest whale archive on the planet.
(5)I’ve been through the whaling library in New Befford.
(6)Not a single case was found.
(7)It’s because of the whale’s body structure.
(8)It seems like a natural result.
(9)Whales in the family Beardidae
(10)Compared to the giant.
(11)It’s said to have a narrow esophagus.
(12)They’re the ones on the planet.
(13)It’s considered one of the biggest creatures,
(14)Food over the size of a basketball…
(15)Swallowing itself is impossible.
(16)So the staple food is plankton.
(17)The premise of swallowing a person in the first place
(18)In addition, whales can be found to beacons.
(19)have a habit of spitting out unfamiliar prey
(20)a researcher at the University of South Florida
(21)Philip Motta is…
(22)We’re going to do an experiment on this.
(23)It was conducted in 2010.

If a whale swallows a person,

image text translation

(1)Just in time for the whale shark to suck in its prey.
(2)I made him swallow it with rice.
(3)The whale took a handful of rice.
(4)and spit it out.
(5)Source – Live Science
(6)Actually, last year, off the coast of South Africa,
(7)The diver who was filming the sardines
(8)Source – Live Science
(9)To the whale that was about to eat the tooth,
(10)It’s been swallowed up.
(11)The whale is…
(12)Within seconds of swallowing the diver,
(13)and spit it out again.
(15)If something unprecedented happens,
(16)At that time, how…
(17)Like humpback whales, they belong to the Tooth Whale family.
(18)They also eat big food such as squid and seals.

If a whale swallows a person,

image text translation

(1)Swallowing people…
(2)It doesn’t mean it’s impossible.
(3)Source – Far East Broadcasting System
(4)In fact, it’s been eaten by the humpback whales used to eat you.
(5)I survived a few days in my stomach.
(6)The story of the sailor…
(7)Source: Far East Broadcasting
(8)There were times when it was believed to be true for a long time.
(9)But in reality, humans are not.
(10)If you’re eaten by a humpback whale,
(11)Unlike folk tales,
(12)Source – Far East Broadcasting System
(13)The chances of survival are low.
(14)They have four stomachs like cows.
(15)Here, stomach acid and…
(16)Because digestive enzymes are secreted actively,
(17)be hard for a person to hold out
(18)And there’s no oxygen in the whale’s stomach.
(19)There could be methane gas.
(20)It’ll be hard to breathe.
(21)Like a cave in Pinocchio.
(22)Well, it’s time.
(23)Video Source – Walt Disney

If a whale swallows a person,

image text translation

(1)The appearance of a whale’s stomach…
(2)It’s possible because it’s a fairy tale.
(3)Video Source – Walt Disney
(4)The reality is cruel.
(5)Hurry up, Dad! Get in!

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