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Galapagos, a Japanese drama.


Galapagos, a Japanese drama.

image text translation

(1)Then should I start with the problems of domestic companies?
(2)I beg you.
(3)It’s a long time ago, but liquid crystal plasma was Japan’s specialty.
(4)With the rise of manufacturers in Korea and Taiwan,
(5)In the 2010s, the international market collapsed.
(6)The LCD panel, which is the core,
(7)If I use domestic products, I can’t make a profit.
(8)at a low price
(9)I had no choice but to rely on him.
(10)At that time, the government was…
(11)We’re going to introduce an eco-point system for home appliances.
(12)The price of home appliances in the Japanese market
(13)I tried to keep it expensive.
(14)The same LCD panel TV.
(15)If it’s made abroad, you can buy it cheaply.
(16)Buying expensive Japanese products…
(17)To make it look profitable…rum
(18)Why do you have such a policy?
(19)To bail out Japanese companies.
(20)The trend of price cuts overseas
(21)when it comes to domestic affairs,
(22)in a deflationary economy
(23)There’s a risk that the car might run out.
(24)Let’s get a company that lost its competitiveness.
(25)I had no choice but to make him alive.
(26)A woman’s life.
(27)Feature phones are a good example.
(28)in a manner different from international standards
(29)Rapagos, an independent gin-galization
(30)the Galapagos
(32)It’s not just home appliances.
(33)The same goes for cars.
(34)- a car
(35)And cars!
(36)Secondary hybrid for domestic cars
(37)overspent management resources
(38)Like feature phones or TV.
(39)He was ostracized in the world market.
(40)But the eco-car tax cuts…
(41)with the Clean Energy Automobile Grant
(42)driving up demand
(43)He’s been protected for years.
(44)In short, a lot of Japanese companies have a lot of Japanese companies.
(45)already competitive power
(46)in spite of one’s loss
(47)As a reward,
(48)have survived
(49)No, it’s not. It’s him.
(50)Businesses are focused on cutting costs.heavily
(51)You mean dispatched workers for that?
(52)Korean companies are trying to reduce labor costs
(53)I can’t help it. To the non-regular worker.
(54)I’ve come to rely on him.
(55)A long time ago, a major company…
(56)The country that was able to be active…
(57)The World’s Most Children’s Shrine.
(58)He teased me.


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