a country going mad with shamanism

a country going mad with shamanism

image text translation

(1)(2)Without the knowledge of future generations, someone made holes in the tomb mound and everywhere.
(3)What does it mean to bury a used stone?
(4)What does it mean to press the mound tightly enough to lower the mound, as if some were running as if they were ironing it?

a country going mad with shamanism

image text translation

(1)In the meantime, CEO Lee attached two photos with inscriptions on the burial mound.
(2)CEO Lee Jae-myung did not reveal whose grave it was.
(3)However, Lee’s Facebook comment says that supporters are angry. You’re being humiliated by all sorts of people who really deserve Heaven’s punishment. There are comments saying, “Even if you slander me, how can you do that?”
(4)Posting ads Google
(5)Considering this, it could be the tomb of an ancestor related to CEO Lee.
(6)It looks like a big castle.


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